I did the usual routine of checking if the file was checked out or missing, or if the user didn't have permissions. But then I tested whether or not I could delete it in the UI, and I received this message: "You cannot delete the master page. It is currently set as the default ...
rm: cannot remove 'app-dev-2022-02-09-10.log.gz': Permission denied There are somewrong answerswhich can be found on the Internet, including hints that "only the owner can delete files". That's bogus. That's why the file permissions for others are there in the first place...
文件删除不掉Filecannotbedeleted 系统标签: deletedfiledeletefolder删除files 文件删除不掉(Filecannotbedeleted)Cannotdeletesomefilesonthecomputer,howtodoahViews:2587rewardpoints:0time:2008-10-3112:52||questionger:QQMrzhangAlwaysshowcannotdeletefiles,immunizationcannotfindthespecifiedfolder,howtoforcethefoldertodele...
}functionsyncRemoveFile([string]$filePath, [string]$tempDir) {# Clear the ReadOnly attribute, if present.if(($attribs= [IO.File]::GetAttributes($filePath)) -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReadOnly) { [IO.File]::SetAttributes($filePath,$attribs-band -bnot [System.IO.FileAttributes]...
permissions of ‘XXXX‘: Operation not permitted 使用root用户操作,报错误rm:cannotremove'ryukd.sh':Operationnotpermitted1. chmod的底层实现是chattr命令,但是...,可以发现有i和a两个属性。 3.使用命令chattr-ia filename 就去掉这两个属性。 4. 这个时候执行rm就可以删除文件了 ...
During the scan, I clicked on the option "The printer that I want isn’t listed" and got the error, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\printui.exe / Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." I was doing this as ...
Option "update existing entries" was checked while importing. The import shows no errors. I thought that maybe, I should set for the user not permissions, but privileges. Alas, inthe list of privilegesI saw no one that looked as (allow to rename)...
1. delete step by step. If you delete a folder, you can try deleting the folder from the folder first, and then deleting the folder. Another option is to create a new file under the folder, and then delete the folder.2. rename delete. Rename or delete files or folders that cannot be...
6. permissions issues: If you are 2000 and XP systems, please make sure that you have permission to delete this file or folder. 7. delete executable files: If not release call image or the executable file of the DLL dynamic link library file is still in memory, delete will prompt the ...
remove the shortcut from file explorer but cannot. I navigated to the users onedrive on the web, located the SP documents library that was there, and chose 'remove' from the 3 dots. Now, the onedrive client is not syncing or broken on the end user's computer and does not re...