谷歌浏览器提示: Cannot read property 'description' of undefined,是怎么回事? agui1989 4.6k14150196 发布于 2016-03-22 var desc = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'].description.toLowerCase(); 如图。javascriptcsshtmlchromechrome-devtools 有用-1关注7收藏 回复 阅读8.5k 6 个回答 ...
谷歌浏览器提示: Cannot read property 'description' of undefined,是怎么回事? agui1989 4.6k14150196 发布于 2016-03-22 var desc = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'].description.toLowerCase(); 如图。javascriptcsshtmlchromechrome-devtools 有用-1关注7收藏 回复 阅读8.5k 6 个回答 ...
在API 异步回调函数中使用 this 调用 Page 的变量和函数,报错 undefined。 例如:在 my.requset 成功回调函数 success 中 this.setData({}) 赋值,直接报:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setData' of undefined。 报错原因 this 指向改变导致,在异步回调函数中 this 不是指向页面 Page,而是指向回调函数...
$('#submit').click(function (){ var shop = {}; shop.shopName = $('#shop-name').val(); shop.shopAddr = $('#shop-addr').val(); = $('#shop-phone').val(); shop.shopDesc = $('#shop-desc').val(); shop.shopCategory = { shopCategoryId: $('#shop-category')....
When I convert openapi 3 to swagger_2, I got an error, TypeError: Cannot read property 'description' of undefined at forEach (/Users/jiawei/Downloads/oaspaser/node_modules/api-spec-converter/lib/converters/openapi3_to_swagger2.js:226:28)...
TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataset' of undefined 代码如下 toDetail: function (e) { console.log(e); var index = 1 index = e.currenTarget.dataset.index; console.log(index); } <view class='item-list'> <view class='pro-item'wx:for="{{proList}}" bindtap='toDetail' data-index=...
TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataset' of undefined 代码如下 toDetail: function (e) { console.log(e); var index = 1 index = e.currenTarget.dataset.index; console.log(index); } <view class='item-list'> <view class='pro-item'wx:for="{{proList}}" bindtap='toDetail' data-index=...
Describe the bug Loading for my profile seems to be broken. In the defense of this project though, I have a bit of an unusual profile. 😆 The error I see is: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined Expected behavior A clear and concise d...
我之前遇到的原因是,表中列名字段和控制器中设置的属性名字不一致。 如图:roleDesc 属性一定要和后台代码取名一致。 jsp 页面: 后台代码: 今天看到群友的情况是后台传送的 json 格式不对,正确的格式一定要有中括号 :[ ] 。 正确json 格式 demo 如下:...
vuex 使用modules 报错 Cannot read property 'getters' of undefined 引入vuex 模块时,不能解构: 正确:import user from "@/store/modules/user.js" 错误:import { user } from "@/store/modules/user.js"