错误消息 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'play') 表明你尝试从一个null值中读取play属性。在JavaScript中,null是一个表示“无”的特殊值,它没有任何属性或方法,因此尝试访问其属性会导致类型错误。 3. 检查代码中尝试访问'play'属性的对象 假设你有一个对象mediaPlayer,并且你尝试调用它的pla...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,错误“Uncaught TypeError: cannot read properties of null (reading 'indexOf')”通常出现在JavaScript代码中。这个错误的含义是:试图访问一个空值(null)的属性或方法时发生的类型错误。"indexOf"是一个字符串的方法,用于查找特定子串在父字符...
loading game scene for the first time works fine. issue on the second time while loading the same game scene.
I am using javaScript to handle play and pause button when user click on play pause button, but it is not working in my case it throw following error in my console when click on play buttonUncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener') at myMusi...
"Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')" I cannot get this to run for the life of me, no matter how many times I've carefully retyped it all based on what Guil has, I ALWAYS get the above error in the console. Please tell me what I'm missing?
What happened: I created a new dashboard with 2 variables 'process' and 'service'. I’m getting this error in Grafana, which prevents me from even modifying the query for the panel TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '...
throw error{"stack":"TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'startTime') (../../../../../../node_modules/shaka-player/lib/hls/hls_parser.js:495:42) What did you expect to happen? Properly handle audio streams in m3u8 format - hls ...
Hello everyone,This week, I updated my Wac to latest version (1.5.2312.09001) and after the update I have the following error and I can't add any Host to be...
I'm trying to register The Sims Medieval on the Sims 3 website but it says TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'map') as I enter the code - 8277347
When I try to run this code, I receive an Uncaught Type Error Cannot Read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener'). Any ideas on why this is happening and how to recover from it? I tried adjusting my HTML code but it didn't work ...