❓ Questions and Help Before asking: search the issues. search the docs. What is your question? when I try to pass a socket.socket parameter to the model, trainer.fit(model) occurred an error: File "/disks/disk1/damon/remote_src/YPlatform...
installer.parallel =truekeyring.enabled =truesolver.lazy-wheel =truevirtualenvs.create =truevirtualenvs.in-project = null virtualenvs.options.always-copy =falsevirtualenvs.options.no-pip =falsevirtualenvs.options.no-setuptools =falsevirtualenvs.options.system-site-packages =falsevirtualenvs.path ="{ca...
-I./Include -fPIC -static -fPIC" LIBMPDEC_HEADERS = "\\" LIBMPDEC_OBJS = "\\" LIBOBJDIR = "Python/" LIBOBJS = "" LIBPC = "/home/clement/.local/share/mise/installs/python/3.13.1/lib/pkgconfig" LIBPL = "/home/clement/.local/share/mise/installs/python/3.13.1/lib/python3.13/co...
_pickle _posixshmem _posixsubprocess _queue _random _sha1 _sha256 _sha3 _sha512 _socket _sqlite3 _ssl _statistics _struct _testbuffer _testimportmultiple _testinternalcapi _testmultiphase _tkinter _typing _uuid _xxsubinterpreters _xxtestfuzz _zoneinfo array audioop binascii cmath fcntl grp ...
_pickle _datetime _bisect _heapq _statistics unicodedata fcntl spwd grp select _csv _socket _posixsubprocess _md5 _sha1 _sha256 _sha512 _sha3 _blake2 syslog binascii zlib posix errno pwd _sre _codecs _weakref _functools _operator _collections _abc itertools atexit _signal _stat time _...
{"GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED":"False","PYTHONPATH":"/env/python"},"Config":"'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'","Startup":null,"Packages": ["absl-py==1.4.0","accelerate==0.21.0","addict==2.4.0","aenum==3.1.15","aiofiles==23.2.1","aiohttp==3.8.5","aiosignal==1.3.1...
Describe the bug Failes to output anything. Using python 3.10.5 on Gentoo and tried installing from pip and locally. Command: tts --text "this is a test" --out_path /tmp/outtest.wav To Reproduce Just installing and running, at least for ...
Essentially you have a socket server (python3.11 in my case) and a socket connection (python 3.9 running the picamera) doing their while True thing, using pickle to serialize the data, have server issue a 'capture a still' command to the connection, connection capture a pic, send it back...
[unix_http_server] file=/tmp/supervisor.sock ; path to socket file [rpcinterface:supervisor] supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface [supervisorctl] serverurl=unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock [program:celery_beat] command=/path/to/project_name/py36/bin/celery...
added timeout <pika.adapters.select_connection._Timeout object at 0x7fd6d50b49b0> with deadline=1548250839.2800937 and callback=<bound method Connection._on_connect_timer of <SelectConnection INIT socket=None params=<ConnectionParameters host=localhost port=5672 virtual_host=/ ssl=False>>>; now=...