然而,pickle模块无法序列化生成器(generator)对象,因为生成器是迭代器的一种,它们在迭代时动态生成值,而不是在创建时就包含所有值。这意味着在序列化时,pickle无法捕获生成器未来会产生的值,也无法在反序列化时重建这些值的生成逻辑。 解决无法pickle 'generator'对象的方法 解决无法pickle生成器对象的方法通常涉及将...
Description When using DaskExecutor, prefect tries to pickle each task, which results in the error {TypeError} cannot pickle 'generator' object due to the context object being pickled. Expected Behavior I expect my flow to run without er...
It throws an exception when I follow the official tutorial to implement a video classification model. https://pytorchvideo.org/docs/tutorial_classification Environment: python version: macOS-10.16-x86_64-i386-64bit python version: 3.8.5 ...
Bug Description This issue arises when streaming=True is selected, causing the LLM's return value to be a generator, which cannot be pickle. The return value of the get_chat_result function in model/model.py is a generator, as shown in t...
Version: 17.0.1 Target: Mac and Windows My root directory looks like this: - build/ - app/ # Output from Webpack - main.js - renderer.js - index.html - dist/ # Output from Electron Builder - configs/ - pack.yml - src/ - package.json conf...