确认两件事 1。项目中是否添加了opencv2的相关头文件和类库 2。项目属性中,头文件目录设置中,是否包含了opencv.hpp所在的目录。
task.json 如图,此时再debug,不会再出现找不到NvInfer.h 或者 opencv2/opencv.hpp 的错误。
I follow the instruction as below: To compile on Windows open yolo_mark.sln in MSVS2019, compile it x64 & Release and run the file: x64/Release/yolo_mark.cmd. Change paths in yolo_mark.sln to the OpenCV 4.1.0 installed on your computer: ...
1> -- OpenCV ARCH: x86 1> -- OpenCV RUNTIME: vc15 1> -- OpenCV STATIC: ON 1> -- Found OpenCV: C:/Users/ngu10t/Workspace/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows (found version "3.3.1") 1> -- Found OpenCV 3.3.1 in C:/Users/ngu10t/Workspace/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows/share/opencv/x86/...
3. Add the "opencv_world401d.lib" to Configuration Properties>Linker>Additional Dependencies. like this: After this: On the cpp file, use the code: prettyprint #include <opencv2\core\core.hpp> #include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>
windows安装,要的就是方便和快捷,只要你想一键重装系统就能办到,人人都会重装系统的一键重装系统,win10 ...
fatal error: opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp: No such file or directory 1. 但是同样的代码再Windows上能正确编译运行。而且Linux上opencv安装没有问题,版本也没有问题,相应环境变量也都设置了,highgui也存在。找了好久试了很多方法都没有解决这个问题,后来终于发现错误,是Linux和Windows上反斜杠反方向不一样。
then this file, core.hpp is detected but types_c.h will not be detected, since it'll only be #include "opencv2/core/types_c.h" Here too, when I give the entire path as mentioned below, the error goes and the next file will not be detected. ...
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp> #include <opencv2/cudaobjdetect.hpp> #include <opencv2/cudaimgproc.hpp> using namespace cv; using namespace std; #define __DEBPRINT__ (false) #define __SHOWFRAMENO__ (false) ...
OpenCL.cmake:51 (if): if given arguments: "EXISTS" "C:/lib/openvino/thirdparty/ocl/cl_headers" "C:/lib/openvino/thirdparty/ocl/clhpp_headers/include/Headers/cl.h" Unknown arguments specified Call Stack (most recent call first): C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.26/Modules/FindOpen...