在CCS(Code Composer Studio)中遇到“cannot open source file”错误时,通常意味着编译器无法找到或访问指定的源文件。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行排查和修复: 确认源文件是否存在: 检查报错信息中提到的源文件(如F2837xD_Device.h、assert.h等)是否确实存在于你的工程目录或指定的路径中。 检查源文件...
'Building file: D:/work/ETRS-project/ETRS-Hercules-TI/SoftWare/test/SL/TMS570LS0432_NoOS/source/crc.c' 'Invoking: ARM Compiler' "C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_5.2.6/bin/armcl" -mv7R4 --code_state=32 --abi=eabi --include_pat...
一、现象1、点击全编译之后提示无法打开一些头文件二、原因1、新建的工程头文件路径不存在或者工程所要包含的头文件不在该路径下,所以编译出错。三、解决方案1、在工程被 ...
CCS升级过编译器,打开某个project时报错如题"../source/system.c", line 20: fatal error #1966: cannot open source file "system.h": Permission denied 但打开其它project可正常编译 Hi fan, 你的文件的第20行是指向system.h? 你描述的这个情况倒是挺少遇见...
CCS: cannot open sourcefile "inc/hw_memmap.h" Other Parts Discussed in Thread:C2000WARE Tool/software:Code Composer Studio After following steps from forum, Compose Studio have a different error. *** Build of configuration Debug for project lab3 ***"C:\...
I´m changing my environment from IAR to CCS, but I noticed one problem and I did not find the root cause. Could you please help me? The error: cannot open source file is happening when the CCS try to access the driverlib files: ...
"DSP2833x_Device.h"//DSP2833xHeaderfile IncludeFile#include "DSP2833x_Examples.h jf_027256662023-03-15 11:47:43 CCS导入工程文件出现cannotopensourcefile的问题 ccs工程文件中引用一个source文件,主程序中能打开,自己编写的程序文件中打不开,请问怎么解决 ...
先找见这个文件在哪里?你在看看工程属性下面头文件搜索路径设置的在哪里 ...这个文件在float文件夹里,...
"D:\WorkspaceCCS2\SimpleBLEPeripheral\NPI\npi_task.h", line 49: fatal error #1965: cannot open source file "inc/npi_data.h" Looks like working with a version of the Simple BLE Peripheral example that you (or someone else) modified. The npi_data.h cann...