When the file is opened, double-click UninstallAllBingApps.ps1, select a folder to copy the script to, and then clickExtract. From the folder in which you saved the script, find UninstallAllBingApps.ps1, right-click it and selectRun with Powershell. If you are prompte...
To resolve this issue, reset the WSSecurity authentication for the virtual directories on the Exchange Back End site for each server in the remote organization. Open Windows Powershell and add the Exchange Management snap-in. Add-PSSna...
In the Windows PowerShell window, run the following command to check whether the current self-signed certificate has expired: Get-Item 'Cert:\LocalMachine\Remote Desktop\*' | Select-Object NotAfter If the self-signed certificate has expired, run the following commands to dele...
This troubleshooting step resets the RDP configuration when Remote Connections are disabled or Windows Firewall rules are blocking RDP, for example. The follow example resets the RDP connection on a VM named myVM in the WestUS location and in the resource group named myResourceGroup: PowerShell ...
tried enrolling the device in tenant B and what do you think? It works! Still working with MS on this one so I'll give an update when there's something to share. wgethttps://aka.ms/intuneps1-outfile IntuneODCStandAlone.ps1 powerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Fil...
powershell.exeAdd-AppxPackage-PathC:\Temp\Microsoft.MinecraftEducationEdition_1.0.21.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.appx Note If you are using Configuration Manager, do not deploy the app package as a Configuration Manager application. Resolution
HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Provisioning\\SyncML\\RebootRequiredURIs\\ManagePreviewBuild explaining what might be the cause: wgethttps://aka.ms/intuneps1 powerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\\IntuneODCStandAlone.ps1
Step 1. Check if the My Cloud device has potential SMB 2.0 problem. Open powershell and run as administrator, then typeGet-SmbConnectionand hit OK. Later, you will see a list of the connected devices and its SMB version, but WD My Cloud is not listed under Computer in Windows File Exp...
Microsoft.IdentityManagement.PowerShell.ObjectModel.SynchronizationConfigurationValidationException: Failed even after 5 retries. Action: PingProvisioningServiceEndPoint, Exception: Unable to communicate with the Windows Azure Active Directory service. Tracking ID: 90edf657-f63e-46cc-94ec-df88817f...
Open powershell like administrator, then type: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $(“Microsoft-Hyper-V”, “Containers”) -All Type “y”, anet after PC restart, should be working. If you use Windows containers it doesn’t matter whether you have the...