一、该报错可能是由于前一次卸载没有卸载干净,注册表残留,可以使用官方软件进行清除,然后制作配置表,管理员CMD运行安装配置表文件。 二、操作步骤 office365 1.清除原有的微软产品(注册表、残留数据) 工具:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/uninstall-office-from-a-pc-9dd49b83-264a-477a-8fcc-2f...
Windows 7:按一下開始,在搜尋方塊中輸入 regedit.exe,然後按 Enter。 找出並選取下列登錄子機碼: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\General 在步驟 3 中指定的機碼中找出ShownFirstRunOptin登錄值。 如果您找不到ShownFirstRunOptin,請移至步驟 5。 如果您找到它,請移至步驟 7。
✅ Using Office 365 home edition 64 bit on Windows 11 and cannot set Outlook as the default...:OK I tried the solution on this thread hereMicrosoft 365 can't be set to Default Email app - Microsoft CommunityI set the registry editor as described...
Windows cannot find "c:\program files\microsoft office\root\office16\outlook.exe" Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. This issue may occur for any Office application and for other non-Office applications. STATUS: FIXED The ...
Office Office A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis. 1,899 questions Sign in to follow 1 comment Hide comments for this question Report a concern I have the same ...
If you clickDetailsin the dialog box, you receive a detailed error message that's like the following: PLATFORM VERSION INFO Windows: 6.0.6002.131072 (Win32NT) Common Language Runtime: 2.0.50727.4214 System.Deployment.dll: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000) mscorwks.dll: 2.0.50727.4214 (Vi...
* Activation of https://<NameOfDomain>/ClickOnceConnector/Office365DesktopSetup.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected: + Unable to install this application because an application with the same identity is already installed. To install this applicat...
There are no printers installed. Use the Printers option in Control Panel to install a printer. Just as you cannot access the Page Setup dialog box in this case, you cannot access the properties in the dialog box programmatically. Note To open thePag...
Hi, I need to use the solver add-in for my studies. However, Every time I try to use it I get an error: "Cannot run the macro...
I have fixed it for both users temporarily by completely uninstalling Office 365 and reinstalling. But for one user the issue has reappeared, so obviously that isn't the correct answer. What's really strange is if the user clicks on a Teams link in an email or tries to...