./kinesis_video_gstreamer_sample_app: error while loading shared libraries: liblog4cplus-1.2.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory sudo ldconfig -v ldconfig: Path/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf' given more than once ldconfig: Path/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf' given more...
04-10 10:33:23.207 9021 9021 E wificond: Received error message: No such file or directory 04-10 10:33:23.207 9021 9021 E wificond: Failed to get NL80211 family info 04-10 10:33:23.209 9020 9020 I netdClient: Skipping libnetd_client init since we are netd 04-10 10:33:23.211 9020...
When does one make a build. How do I monitor whether a third party tool such as gRPC is successfully built in the ue4cli cache? Thank you for all your help! I really hope that the implementations become more detailed in the future for the use cases....
This file ("remote: error: File Intermediate/Build/Win64/UE4Editor/Development/TestCLion2017/TestCLion2017.h.pch") is larger than 800 MB, so I had to remove it, but I have the Build dirs in both the project root's Intermediate directory and the plugin's Intermediate/Build directory. Erro...