OpenVR/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 Perforce/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 PhysX/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 PhysXCookingLib/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 Python/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 QualcommTextureConverter/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 SDL2/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 SpeedTree/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 Steamworks/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 UELibSampleRate/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 UEOgg...
Nevertheless, founded a workaround by downsizing Open GApps tvmini install (see wiki) to install only its Core app which gives "only" the Google Play Store (which I needed only). The crude steps are : install Lineage 18.1, setup ADB via USB or other make a config file named gapps-confi...