AUDIO: ENC -> bitrate 24000 inputBitsPerSample 16, sampleRate - 16000, numberOfChannels - 1... AUDIO: ENC -> Rpe_create(AAC_ENC) done... AUDIO: CAPTURE -> Encoder creation SUCCESS for CH - 11 AUDIO: ENC Handle 4BD530, Int Handle 4BD53C AUDIO: ENC -> bitrate 24000... 。 如果录制视频,一个基本的ffmpeg命令为: ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i <device> out.mp4 v4l是video for linux的简写, v4l2是v4l-utils的一种编码格式。具体可根据驱动程序选择。 v4l-utils是一个Linux的视频驱动程序集,(没有需安装) 具体的<device>可以用...
I'm trying to use the ALSA Audio Capture Block in Simulink in a Raspberry Pi Model B+, in Matlab R2015a, from the Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi, but when I try to select an audio device, it always says: ThemeCopy Cannot open audio device...
I am trying to implement an Android Application where it makes use of tinyalsa: pcm_open() API. I get "cannot open device (0) for card(2): Permission denied" error when I tried to launch the application from Android Studio that attempts to open an audio stream fro...
Open the Preferences for RX and select the Audio tab (if it is not already selected). Under the “Input device” field choose a different device than what is currently set. “No audio device” worked for me. Click OK to close Preferences. ...
Open Device Manager by holding theWindows keyand pressingR, then typedevmgmt.mscand pressEnter. Double-clickSound, video and game controllers, right-clickRealtek high definition audio device, selectUninstall, and confirm. Reboot your computer. ...
After updating bluez-alsa from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 my bluetooth audio device is no longer available in JACK, so I can't play sound using the JACK backend (ALSA is working fine). I'm running a JACK server with the following script. jack_control ds alsa jack_control dps device bluealsa jac...
Method 4. Set Proper Audio Device You may encounter the “Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with the audio device. It might not be a sound device installed on your computer” error message if the audio device output in WMP is set incorrectly. Here’s ho...
If it's not, right-click on it and select "Set as Default Device". Update your audio drivers: You can do this through the Lenovo Vantage app, which you can download from the Windows app Store here. This app will help you update your system's drivers and software. Check your privacy ...
二、 docker发布 复制一份配置文件 编辑 在末尾加入 重新启动docker容器并加入配置文件的映射 完整启动容器命令如下 : 现象: Linux调用海康威视的SDK报错:java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library '/home/webapps/lib/': cannot open shared object file: No such...