改完会可能会出现1045的错误 在phpStudy中,其他选项菜单——mysql工具——重置密码,即可
然后保存,打开http://localhost/phpMyAdmin 出现找不到mysqli扩展的警告,然后安装pdo和mysql扩展 yum--enablerepo=remiinstallphp-pdo php-mysqli 警告信息没有再出现,但依然出现“Cannot log in to the MySQL server”,找了很久,找到的解决方法都是长篇大论的,但无一例外都不是问题的最终答案。 最终,最终找到了...
I installed the server individually from .msi files, NOT a package installer. After I enter my 'root' and my 'password', then I clicked 'Go', it popped up two error messages, one is "#2054 Cannot log in to the MySQL server" and another is "Connection for controluser as defined in ...
Re: #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server Akhil nerdy April 27, 2011 02:57PM Re: #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server Akhil nerdy April 27, 2011 02:59PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respe...
MySQL servers only allow local login by the root account. Check whether the root account is only allowed to log on to the local server. show grants for root@'%'; If the query results to only allow root account log on locally, it can be accessed with members in the system, exe...
0 Cannot log in to the MySQL server (PhpMyAdmin) 0 phpmyadmin - cannot login with password 1 phpMyAdmin: Cannot log into the MySQL server no error code 1 phpmyadmin login not working suddenly 1 phpmyadmin: Can't login 0 Phpmyadmin does not accept login Hot Network Questions BTD6 ...
Description:C:\Users\ferru\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\logHow to repeat:I'm not being abble to connect with the server due an error of "Target host is configured as Windows, but it seems to be a different OS." But I'm pretty sure that I'm using a Windows device. How to proceed...
Description:When connecting to mysql server via standard tcp/ip over ssh, the server is not accessed. However, we connect it using Navicat in the same way. The log is following, ssh.foo.com:6022 is ssh server and its port, 'dba' and 'db.foo.com' is the database user and the data...
Re: #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server Akhil nerdy April 27, 2011 02:57PM Re: #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server Akhil nerdy April 27, 2011 02:59PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respe...
even after deleting all the files and uninstalling mysql server i am still unable to remove this stored connection ... can this be an issue ?? Please help!!! thanks a lot Subject Written By Posted #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server ...