In addition to not connecting multiple credit cards from the same company so God forbid you could pay them with one payment, they will not connect a business credit card to Apple Pay and have recently stopped connecting to Experian. You just have to spend hours...
If you have purchased eCOCKPIT it might be an option to ask the Wago support. Usually the give excellent help! ( from my experiance) 👍 1 viallos-2020-04-28 Hi I use eCOCKPIT and e!RUNTIME is setup as Runtime System on PFC200. ...
I even downloaded Apex legends on origin and can connect to games fine on that so i'm not banned. Don't know what this issue is but looking on twitter a few people are experiancing it. Only on the Origin version it seems. cnc issue.png Reply 0 + XP #3 June 2020 O...