一、 一种是点击左上角File,然后点击Invalidate Caches / Restart...,弹出对话框再点击Invalidate and Restart等待工程重新加载,问题就解决了。 二、 关闭项目后,在文件夹下删除.idea文件,然后重启项目即可 __EOF__
一种方法是点击Pycharm软件的左上角File,然后点击Invalidate Caches / Restart...,弹出对话框再点击Invalidate and Restart等待工程重新加载,问题就解决了。 image.png image.png 另外一种方法是在工程关闭的情况下,删除工程目录下的.idea文件夹,再用Pycharm重新打开问题就解决了。另外,有的朋友可能是在Linux平台下使...
IDEA出现Error Loading Project: Cannot load module xxx报错,是因为IDEA不能找到模块xxx加载,应该是添加/新建了xxx模块,之后又删除了该模块,但没有在modules.xml上删除该模块引起的; 解决方案: 打开.idea下modules.xml文件,找到相应的模块删除,重启IDEA即可; 分类: 工具使用 0 0 « 上一篇: IDEA提示类注释...
However, intelisense does not work, and I get the following error when opening the project: Cannot load module file '/Dropbox/development/Projects/Ruby/RubyLego/.idea/RubyLego.iml': File /Dropbox/development/Projects/Ruby/RubyLego/.idea/RubyLego.iml does not exist Would you like to ...
问题: idea启动后报错,Cannot load settings from file ‘xxx.iml’: File xxx.iml does not exist Please correct the file content 原因: 删除或者修改module后,没有在项目中去除这部分配置 解决: 把modules中修改或者删除的module去除...Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.1(导入...
关于Idea报Error:Failed to load project configuration: cannot parse xml file 可能是你的idea中Maven配置有问题,打开setting-build-build tools-maven,查看你的maven home directory是否配置正确,要选择到你的maven文件所在位置 更改完成后,可以解决这个错误... ...
Every time I start up PyCharm I get the following error:Cannot load module file 'SERVER\..\\\SERVER\MediaLibrary\src\.idea\src.iml':File...
Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1077:15) at /var/task/node_modules/next/dist/server/require-hook.js:54:36 at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:922:27) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1143:19) at mod.require (/var/task/node_...
To profile the introspection and diagnose possible issues, IntelliJ IDEA can generate three files that include information about the following: dataSource.txt: the data source. introspector.txt: a module that was used to load the metadata from the database. model.xml: a part of the database ...
This worked for me too. I actually just made a symbolic link for that libcurand file, same idea. Like this: cd /home/asdf/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib ln -s /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcurand.so . It woked for me, thanks. ...