【Modelsim常见问题】Can't launch the ModelSim-Altera software报错信息:Error:Can'tlaunch the ModelSim-Altera software -- the path to the location of theexecutables 小梅哥 2020-02-13 20:50:54 机器人坐标系Launch文件解析 Launch文件解析 先来看下刚才运行的launch文件,里边启动了四个节点,分别是: 小...
19.1 版本的Quartus Prime Lite版本,安装了免费版的modelsim, 已经设置了modelsim 的 路径: 但是还是提示: 打开Setting这里 设置选中Modelsim-Altera 就可以了:
hello, In QuartusII 32-bit V11.1 Build 259 I cannot launch a ModelSim (as opposed to ModelSim-Altera) simulation despite being able to bring up
I have a small problem while launching the Modelsim- simulation software.I have installed the Altera Web-edition software and also the Modelsim-Altera software tool . While i launch the simulation tool I found an error displaying "Cannot launch the Modelsim-Altera software --the path to the lo...
1.点击tool->;options->EDAToolOptions,在modelsim和modelsim-altera栏中填入modelsim的安装路径 2.点击assignment->settings->;simulation,在toolname一栏中选择相应名称 注意:如果是se则选择modelsim,如果是modelsim-altera则选择 FPGA调用modelsim进行功能仿真和时序仿真 ...
Error: Can'tlaunchtheModelSim-Altera software --thepathtothelocation oftheexecutables fortheModelSim-Altera software were notspecifiedortheexecutables were not found atspecified iOS LLDB调试器和断点调试 。为了方便日常的使用,提高效率,LLDB命令也提供通过简称的方式调用命令。还是这个命令,我们用简称就可以写为...
We purchased a modelsim license, which is attached to my user account. When I try to launch lmgrd on win64, I see the following error: << 18:19:16 (mgcld) Feature alteramtivsim is not enabled yet >> What do we have to do to enable the feature? Moreove...
Altera_Forum Honored Contributor II 01-14-201009:34 AM 1,258 Views New to Quartus I tried a relatively simple design with 3 blocks of VHDL source and a vht testbench. The project can be simulated in the native simulator but when using NativeLink, ModelSim gives the following error: ...
· For ModelSim-Altera, type the path or browse to the directory containing ModelSim-Altera. The directory should be located under the Altera directory, e.g. C:\<Quartus installation directory>\\modelsim_ase\win32aloem · Select OK. Also try by stetting PATH environment vari...
Googling this error message often gave the solution "you need to compile your simulation libraries". I thought "this is just Intel stuff, both the IP as the simulator, so that should already be done, but ok, I'll try it". So Tools->Launch Simulation Library ...