Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider –Force It will take a few minutes to get your system ready, and in most cases, you will need to restart your machine to apply your configuration. --- --If the reply is helpful, please Upvote and Accept it as an answer– Please sign...
1、安装yum install docker-ce 提示异常 [root@localhost ~]# yum install docker-ce Docker CE Stable - aarch64 128 kB/s | 48 kB 00:00 created by dnf config-manager from 247 B/s | 365 B 00:01 Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'down...
https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ software-properties-common curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] jessie stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-...
I can use docker but cannot install nvidia-docker2 (py36) junwang@dgxone01:~/utils$ sudo apt-get update Hit:1 xenial InRelease Hit:2 xeni...
Docker Desktop windows vfertig(Vfertig)May 2, 2023, 9:12pm1 I have been attempting to install / reinstall docker v4.19.0 on Windows 10 (22H3 / 19045.2846) with WSL installed. The installer reports a successful installation, however when I attempt to run Docker Desktop nothing happens. I ...
docker build-t centosjava8:1.5. 这个命令的时候,在执行 RUN yum -y install vim的时候,报了上面的错。 先看看阳哥的Dockerfile的from怎么写的: 因为阳哥的录制视频的时候,比较早,我们知道,在使用镜像的时候,如果没有写版本号,默认就是last.可能阳哥当时last的centos版本就是7.x.但是,现在如果在使用默认的...
方法一 将cannot load librarygdal19.dll文件复制到系统目录中 您可以从另一台计算机或从互联网上下载...
3、错误发生:执行到RUN yum -y install vim就报错,Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist 4、错误原因: 究其根因是版本问题 学习docker的视频,我跟着狂神的视频,为了减少错误,我选择和他系统保持一致,安装的软件、镜像、容器的版本等等(涉及到版本的)都保持一致 ...
3、错误发生:执行到RUN yum -y install vim就报错,Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist 4、错误原因: 究其根因是版本问题 学习docker的视频,我跟着狂神的视频,为了减少错误,我选择和他系统保持一致,安装的软件、镜像、容器的版本等等(涉及到版本的)都保持一致...
I have an instance of TeamCity Server 2023.05.4 (build 129421), on Ubuntu 22.04, that I am running in Docker and have one build agent connected to it that is also running in docker and on the same host, for testing purposes. My build process relies on docker-compose to be usable, so...