针对你遇到的 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: "cannot insert the value null into column 异常,我们可以按照以下步骤进行分析和解决: 1. 确认异常信息内容 异常信息表明,在尝试向数据库的某个列插入数据时,该列不允许NULL值,但提供的值却是NULL。 2. 分析导致异常的原因 数据库表设计:该列在数据库中被定...
举例,当你在excel中设置自定义格式为mm/dd/yyyy, sql server默认的是dd/mm/yyyy。 所以当你插入2018年2月13日数值时(13/02/2018),sql server解释为2018年13月2日。显然没有13月这个月份。所以自然会报错类似cannot insert null value into the column xxx / Text was truncated or one or more characters ...
The basic function of the trigger is to insert a row in the table EXT00101 when a row gets inserted into the same table with a different key. The trigger which takes the values of 2 different columns of 2 rows and concatenates them, the SQL works fi...
Exception Details:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ReviewID', table 'reviews.dbo.OR_Comments'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. This means that ReviewID column of OR_Comments table doesn't allow NULL valu...
SQL INSERT INTO 语法 INSERT INTO 语句可以有两种编写形式。 第一种形式无需指定要插入数据的列名...
The “Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘ColumnName’, table ‘TableName; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.” error is encountered when running ApexSQL Data Diff synchronization script. Workaround This problem is resolved in the following way. ...
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'USER', table 'jiradb.JiraDB.AO_60DB71_AUDITENTRY'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.SQLDiagnostic.addDiagnostic(SQLDiagnostic.java:368...
无法将值 NULL 插入列“Vendor_Name”,表“SLWinDemoApp60.dbo.AP03625_Wrk”;列不允许为 null。 INSERT fails. 备注 由于如何将 SQL 错误报告给最终用户,最终用户可能实际上看不到错误,但在 SQL 跟踪中,会看到 515 错误。 运行“检查寄存器”(03.630)报告时,可能会收到相同的错误。
SQL 複製 insert into SY01000 VALUES (0,2,0,'Analytical Accounting','AATRX',1,'') 注意 如果您使用 Microsoft SQL Server,請在 SQL Server Management Studio 中針對公司資料庫執行腳本。 若要開啟它,請選取 [開始]、指向 [程式]、指向 [MICROSOFT SQL Server XXXX] (其中 xxxx 是SQL Server 版本),...
Error Message: Error #1: SqlException Error Code: -2146232060 SqlError Number: 515 Message: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table 'dbo.Customers'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. SqlError Number: 3621 Message: The statement has been...