在做了上述更改后,确保重新启动你的TypeScript编译器。如果你是在IDE(如Visual Studio Code)中工作,可能需要重启IDE或重新加载项目。 查看错误是否解决: 编译项目并查看“cannot find type definition file for 'minio'”错误是否已经解决。如果问题依旧存在,可能需要进一步检查你的项目配置或搜索相关的社区和文档来获...
When start project in nestjs in console appears message - Cannot find type definition file for 'minio'. The file is in the program because: Entry point for implicit type library 'minio' My tsconfig { "compilerOptions": { "module": "commo...
When running MinIO in regular mode (aka not distributed, but probably the same there) via Kubernetes/BTCharts and setting hostname of MinIO to hyper.s3.domain.tld in the GUI wizard, login via the MinIO web interface fails with the error message "Failed to dial up" It re...
The reason why the provider needs access to the CRD during planning is not for validation purposes (in fact, validation is still a missing feature in the manifest resource), but rather because the provider needs to establish the structure (aka schema) of the resource so that Terraform can cor...