编译报错“Cannot find module XXX or its corresponding type declarations”
编译报错“Cannot find module XXX or its corresponding type declarations” 场景一:问题现象 Stage模板工程编译引用native文件……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
项目中使用了ts,在导入组件的时候,遇到了报错: 解决办法:执行命令 npm install -D @types/node之后重启就可以了
If anyone encountered this problem while setting up their local dev environment, this is how I solved it. The issue is to related how to VSCode is configured to run yarn v2+ plug-and-play TypeScript. When doing a vanilla install, you will notice that these imports will fail even th...
最近使用 vite + vue3 + ts 开发一个文本标注的 web 平台,在项目中使用了一个js-mark的 npm 包,但是在 import 导入后出现了 TS 报错:TS2307: Cannot find module 'js-mark' or its corresponding type declarations.、无法解析模块 'js-mark' 的定义。
于是,强迫症表示太难受了。。。咋办呢? 1、最简单粗暴的解决方法: 注释TS检测 @ts-ignore 2、理想解决方案: 在根目录(src)下面帮忙声明一下该类型,新建一个 XXX.d.ts 参考资料: 摘自:typescript error ts2307 cannot find module or its corresponding type declarations...
问题 Vite + Vue + ts 项目下,引用 .vue 报错 vue vite ts Cannot find module or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307) 1. 方案 VS code 中,F1, "typescript: select Typescript version", 选择 workspace 下的 typescript 即可
In our project running Vite and Vue2 (through vue-demi), when running vue-tsc, we get an error: ERROR(vue-tsc) Cannot find module '~icons/ui/info' or its c...
Volar was working like a charm last time I worked on a Vue 3 TypeScript Vite project. Today, I created a project with create-vue (which uses Vite too, but provides more options), and I'm getting this error when a *.ts file has focus: Then, VSCode recommended me the TypeScript Vola...
vite创建vue3+typescript项目之后报错Cannot find module './App.vue' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307) 一,打开vscode设计页面搜索 vue.server.hybridMode 二,F1打开搜索,输入 select typescript version 选择Use Workspace Version... 三,重启vscode。