When I tried to install 25.5.1 I got the error messages in the first two attachments. When I tried to revert back to 25.5 I get the errors in the third - 14470194
I am trying to remove the background behind a person and need to refine around the hair. However, when I google for how to do this all descriptions mentions i should Select and Mask and then there should be a View Mode in the workspace, but I cannot find where this is. ...
Click "OS" on the home screen to back up your Operating System (Windows 10/8/7). If you’re unable to rename or more folders in Windows 10, it’s caused due to missing registry entries under the FolderDescriptions registry key. Then a mini window pops up, it will detect and dis...
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/image-size-is-locked-on-percentage-and-cannot-be-reset-to-pixels/m-p/10278710#M222189 Dec 29, 2018 Dec 29, 2018 Copy link to clipboard Copied Maybe try resetting your Photoshop preferences, which you can find under t...
I have problem opening/saving some of my PSDs in v22.2 created in previous versions. The problem is caused by masks in these PSDs. If I remove masks, everything seems to work fine. Also removing masks and recrating them alow me to save...
Do you think if I reinstall an earlier version, it might work again. Maybe the Latest update of Photoshop is not compatible with my Mac Version 10.14 Beta - 11974397
Hi Mate, I'm having this issue as well. It's just ludicrous that Adobe charges for a product that it wont let you use when the program cant find an internet connection. I'm seriously thinking of cancelling my CC subscription after being an Photoshop, Premiere etc user for over 25 years...
After reading every article I could find here and elsewhere, and trying everything suggested (RGB, etc), I still cannot do a simple process that I used to be able to do. I can't change colors within an object. I used to do this all the time with no issues and suddenly it...
I recently bought an hp spectre convertible laptop that comes with an active pen. I have been able to use the pen successfully in illustrator and fresco, but for some reason not in photoshop. I can use it to choose a tool, even use the color picker, but if i try to use any kind...
The document size reported in the PS UI is always less than 2GB, the only way to get it to save when this problem occurs is to remove everything outside the canvas and merger all the layers, even then it sometimes still won’t save. As others have mentione...