Loglevel 99 is berserk but shows up a lot, who know, maybe we can find out more. Copy link Collaborator FanDjangocommentedMay 5, 2023 Note also that we have not really tried very hard to check if the original SslStream problem can be mitigated somehow. ...
Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot start the 'com.notriddle.budget' application. Visit https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/writing-running-appium/android/activity-startup.md for troubleshooting. Original error: '*' ...
That is the correct response. You should not be able to edit a signed document. That's one of the main points behind using a digital signature: To ensure that the file hasn't been modified after it was signed. View solution in original post Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report ...
The only way to unrevoke a cert is if the reason code was set to hold, which is not the case. I think I'm pretty well hosed here as I dont have a good back up...I think my best bet is to remove the C...
It is also better to look at the NameNode log to findout why it is in SafeMode. Is there any repetitive erorr/warning message inside the NameNode logs (if yes then please share the complete log) . View solution in original post Reply 4,976 Views 0 Kudos 0 All forum to...
Getting error message as "Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot start the 'riotinto.metal.provenance' application. Consider checking the drive
Environment: Windows 10 64b Python 3.7 java version "1.8.0_261" npm 6.14.6 Appium desktop Appium v1.17.1 Appium server (from npm) 1.17.1 sdkmanager 3.6.0 appium-uiautomator2-driver@1.56.1 node v12.15.0 Android 8.1 smartphone Problem I am...
Other workarounds with no success. I can't seem to find a solution. Can you please help? The problem Original error: 'POST /element' cannot be proxied to UiAutomator2 server because the instrumentation process is not running (probably crashed). ...
Code signing is only a promise that the package has not been touched since the signer signed it. Loss of the certificate password (as is believed to have happened to one well-known vendor leading to attacks) means anything could be in code signed by the cert. Customers should not equate ...
Pairing Xbox Wireless Controller model 1914 latest firmware worked with original Lineage BUT failed after tvmini flash. Nevertheless, founded a workaround by downsizing Open GApps tvmini install (see wiki) to install only its Core app which gives "only" the Google Play Store (which I needed onl...