linux 中的screen出现cannot find terminfo entry 的错误 事情的起因: 本地使用urxvt terminal ,使用ssh方式远程登录服务器,远程在服务器端执行screen命令,然后就出现了cannot find terminfo entry的错误。 解决方案: 1. 远程执行echo $TERM 发现该环境变量值跟urxvt相关。 2. 查看远程主机 /usr/share/terminfo 目录...
1. 查看 /usr/share/terminfo 目录下的内容,该目录的内容表示该主机支持哪些终端类型。 2. 通过修改系统变量TERM为vt100。 执行export TERM=vt100 === 天行健,君子以自强不息 地势坤,君子以厚德载物 ===
Using stack 1.4.0 compiled with Cabal- on Nixos 17.03 with lts-8.20 and ghc-8.0.2, I can't install terminfo on any of my projects: mzabani@nixos:~/Projects/bancot]$ stack install terminfo terminfo- configure Package termi...
69.151433] block: unable to load configuration (fstab: Entry not found) 69.159068] block: block: attempting to load tmp/overlay/etc/config/fstab 69.166283] block: unable to load configuration (istab: Entry not found) 69.174024] block: attempting to load /etc/config/fstab 69.180785] block: unab...
UEFI: Cannot boot Restore entry when backup is created on USB key Keywords: Status: CLOSED ERRATA Alias: None Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Component: rear Version: 9.1 Hardware: x86_64 OS: Linux Priority: high Severity: high Target Milestone: rc Target Release: --...
terminfo.mod test.mod test_asn1.mod test_blockarg.mod testload.mod testspeed.mod tftp.mod tga.mod time.mod tr.mod trig.mod true.mod udf.mod ufs1.mod ufs1_be.mod ufs2.mod uhci.mod usb.mod usb_keyboard.mod usbms.mod usbserial_common.mod usbserial_ftdi.mod usbserial_pl2303.mod ...
_nc_home_terminfo (in /usr/local/Cellar/ncurses/6.2/lib/libncursesw.6.dylib) ==12333== by 0x1009A73D3: _nc_first_db (in /usr/local/Cellar/ncurses/6.2/lib/libncursesw.6.dylib) ==12333== by 0x1009AE4E2: _nc_read_entry2 (in /usr/local/Cellar/ncurses/6.2/lib/libncursesw.6.dylib)...