cannot find required map name,是没有安装主板驱动的意思,如果是安装了驱动,看看是不是硬盘没接好,开机按del或者f2进入bios。看第一启动顺序是不是硬盘?如果不是,改回来 shell>后面输入“exit ”回车,然后重启进入“bios” 在“boot”选项里设置为 硬盘启动。改bois的配置,主要是把efi改为legacy 别的BIOS...
提示:EFI Shell version 2.4 [5.11] map: Cannot find required map name. 具体如下: 查询后说可能是硬盘问题,因此启动时进入BIOS检查 发现无法检测到硬盘,因此将硬盘拆下,接入移动硬盘线再接电脑,发现也无法检测到,因此初步判定硬盘坏了,这周SSD硬盘损坏的情况还是第一次遇到。
开机按DEL键进入BIOS,然后找到EFI Shell改为硬盘访问,按F10保存。屏幕不亮的原因:1、接触不良。2、接插件硬件故障。3、电源、电源线问题等。解决方法:1、把主板所有的接插件全部重新拔插,包括内存,显卡、硬盘数据线、硬盘电源线、开机线、特别是20PIN的电源线、CPU供电线等;2、重新拔插外接的电源...
EFI Shell Version 2.31 [4.655] Current running mode 1.1.2 map: Cannot find required map name. Furthermore the BIOS does not seem to recognize the SSD. Not showing up in Board Explorer. When I remove the SSD PC starts normally from Hard drive. I was not able to reset the SSD since...
电脑一打开就出现代码是 Cannot find required map name., 电脑开不开机,是不是硬盘坏了 电脑一打开就出现代码是EFIShellversion2.31[4.654]Currentrunningmode1.1.2map:Cannotfindrequiredmap... 电脑一打开就出现代码是 EFI Shell version 2.31[4.654] Current r
My one year old Thinker i35 laptop is displaying this message when I switched it on: EFI SHell version 2.50 [5.12] current running mode 1.1.2 map: cannot find required map name. Need some expert advice on why this problem occurred and how to go about solving this problem. ...
电脑一打开就出现代码是Cannot find required map name., 电脑开不开机,是不是硬盘坏了。源代码作为软件的特殊部分,可能被包含在一个或多个文件中。一个程序不必用同一种格式的源代码书写。例如,一个程序如果有C语言库的支持,那么就可以用C语言;而另一部分为了达到比较高的运行效率,则可以用...
Shell version 2.31[4.654] Current running mode 1.1.2 map:Cannot find required map name...
EFI Shell version 2.60 [5.12] Current running mode 1.1.2 map: cannot find required map name. Press ESC in 5 seconds to skip startup.nsh, any other key to continue. Shell> Getting into Bios settings Hard disk is not recognized and can't appears anywhere in bios. As boot options it sho...
你好,网吧微星主板x4 740 启动时显示EFI Shell version 2.31 [4.653] Current running 你好,网吧微星主板x4740启动时显示EFIShellversion2.31[4.653]Currentrunningmode1.1.2map:cannotfindrequiredmapnamePressESCin1secondstoskipstartup.nsh,anyotherkeytocontinue.S... 你好,网吧微星主板x4 740启动时显示EFI Shell ...