Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '@unocss-applet/shared' imported from node_modules\@unocss-applet\preset-applet\dist\index.mjs 似乎是因为@unocss-applet/preset-applet0.8.3 引起的问题,dist/index.mjs中存在对@unocss-applet/shared的引用,但是这个包并没有发布 ...
npm cache clean --force rm -rf node_modules rm package-lock.json # 或者 yarn.lock,取决于你使用的包管理器 npm install # 或者 yarn install 检查ESLint配置文件: 确保在你的ESLint配置文件(通常是.eslintrc.js或.eslintrc.json)中正确引入了@unocss/eslint-plugin。例如,在.eslintrc.js中,你应该...
Describe the bug I wrote a custom VitePress theme with UnoCSS, and I tried to import the theme from another project. But after imported, the dev server failed to render the page and reported [plugin:vite:import-analysis] Failed to resolv...
Steps to reproduce Vite plugin unocss:global:build:scan is not compatible with Farm for now. Because it uses hook "moduleParsed" which is not supported by Farm. What is expected? The moduleParsed hook in the rollup is not supported. Hope...
UnoCSS version 0.63.4 Describe the bug If I have a single quotation mark in the comment, the vscode extension cannot highlight following class names with two single quotation marks Giving the following code: // A comment with a single quotation mark: ' const a = "sr-only box-border m-...
unocss preset for wechat miniprogram,unocss小程序预设,在 taro uniapp 原生小程序 中使用unocss - fix: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split') · MellowCo/unocss-preset-weapp@4691f27