Angular 7 使用require 出现的问题: Cannot find name 'require'. Do you need to install...,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
1 在使用angular-cli开发处理Base64,出现了编译错误【error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Buffer'.】2 首先终端执行命令【npm i -g typescript@next】安装成功后继续执行命令【npm i --save-dev @types/node】3 然后在需要的Ts文件头引用【import { Buffer } from 'buffer';】4 然后查...
angular项目运行时报错:Cannot find name 'require' 原因: require是node的语法,运行环境不是node环境。 解决办法: 修改,给compilterOptions的types中添加“node” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 { "extends": "../tsconfig.json", "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "../out-tsc/app",...
使用angular2的angular-cli时,运行 ng test报错 1 回答5.6k 阅读 TypeScript resolve报错error :TS2304: Cannot find name 'resolve'. 1 回答7.4k 阅读 Cannot find name 'xxx'.ts报错 1 回答8.8k 阅读 typescript Cannot find name ‘’ 报错问题 3.2k 阅读 gulp编译ts报错Uncaught Error: Cannot find modu...
I got this kind of error: Cannot find name 'google' in Angular 10, I ran npm install @agm/core and add it in the module, but when I run it I got this kind of errors: ERROR in node_modules/@agm/core/lib/directives/circle.d.ts:52:34 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'google'...
i am having the same problem. In all namespace it is give me error => error TS2503: Cannot find namespace. I'm updating from angular 7 to 9 this is my package.json dependencies "dependencies": { "@agm/core": "1.0.0", "@agm/js-marker-clusterer": "1.0.0", ...
ERROR Error: Cannot find control with name: 'imageCode' "formControlName="imageCode"用来验证的控件,所以报错!
Angular ERROR Error: Cannot find control with name: 'imageCode',<nz-form-item><nz-form-controlnzErrorTip="请输入验证码"class="logi
解决Cannot find module @angularcompiler-cli 前言: 今天clone之前做的一个angular项目,使用ng serve一直提示An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot find module '@ 1.1K20 扫码 添加站长 进交流群 领取专属10元无门槛券 手把手带您无忧上云 相关资讯
I managed to remove the plugin by navigating to ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IdeaIC2020.1/plugins in my terminal and running rm -rf <plugin-name>. After restarting the IDE my imports resolved. Yes 0 June 08, 2020 22:14