5. 确认安装后的'prettier'模块是否可在项目中正常使用 安装完成后,重新运行你的项目或相关的构建/开发服务器命令,例如npm run dev,查看是否还会出现“cannot find module 'prettier'”的错误。如果错误消失,且prettier能够按预期工作(例如,如果你在IDE中配置了prettier作为代码格式化工具,它应该能正确格式化代码),则说...
To solve the error “Cannot find module ‘prettier’”, open the project root folder in your terminal and run the following command to install theprettiermodule. npminstall--save-dev prettier For yarn: yarnadd--dev prettier If you’re still facing the error, then follow the below steps to ...
Cannot find module 'prettier' from 'Ce:\Code\todoist\src\components\App.tsx::\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code' Additional information VS Code Version: 1.36.1 Prettier & Prettier Plugin Version: 1.18.2 & 1.9.0 OS and version: Windows 10 Pro 1803 ...
Do you have prettier installed in your project ( npm install --save-dev prettier)? 0 Qs921 Created September 15, 2020 10:40 this is my package.json 0 Elena Pogorelova Created September 15, 2020 19:08 From the stack it's clear that you have eslint-plugin-prettier insta...
Summary prettier-vscode cannot find prettier-plugin-svelte but prettier does. Running format in vscode fails and the output pane for prettier shows: Error: Cannot find module 'prettier-plugin-svelte' from '/' Prettier module works fine a...
To solve the error Cannot find module 'prettier', make sure to install the `prettier` package.
解决使用vetur报错Cannot find module 这是原本vetur的setting.json { "editor.suggestSelection": "first", "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue", "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit"...
Error:Cannotfindmodule'eslint-config-prettier/standard' In node modules I have `node_modules/eslint-config-prettier-standard` Note the difference between the slash and the hyphen in the rc file vs the directory. If I remove the slash (/) in the .eslintrc and replace it ...
Error: Cannot find module '@typescript-eslint/parser'Require stack:- c:\Users\<UserName>\.vscode\extensions\rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint-3.0.2\dist\extension.js- c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\loader.js- c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\boot...
I'm using "prettier-tslint" and i've the same problem: [Error - 11:03:49] Cannot find module 'prettier' Require stack: - c:\Users\...\.vscode\extensions\octref.vetur-0.30.2\server\dist\vls.js - c:\Users\...\.vscode\extensions\octref.vetur-0.30.2\server\dist\vueServerMain.js P...