编译后,报错:Error: Cannot find module '@folder2/app2'。 这段代码在typeScript并没有检测到错误,但编译为javascript后,路径并没有映射过去。javascript能访问的路径应该是../folder2/app2.ts。本身tsconfig.json提供paths这个属性就是为了解决path hell(../../../../xxx.js)这样原问题,但是编辑为javascript...
编译报错 Cannot find module 'config' 相关代码 index.tsx (import 引入config模块(改成 js文件正常,tsx文件报红色)) import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react' import config from 'config' next.config.js const path = require('path') const webpack = require('webpack') const css = re...
针对您遇到的问题 "cannot find module '@/types' or its corresponding type declarations.",这通常是由于TypeScript项目中的路径解析或模块解析配置不当所导致的。以下是根据您提供的提示,分点进行的解答: 1. 确认项目结构和文件路径是否正确 首先,请确保您的项目中确实存在一个 types 目录或文件,并且它位于一个...
I am having an issue on deployment when using alias with ts-node and typescript This is my folder structure Inside the main.ts I import a file like this import { appConfig } from '@base/config/app'; and @base is defined in the tsconfig.json like this { "compilerOptions": { "module...
A handful of folks have mentioned that after upgrading to v6, trying to import from @typescript-eslint/* packages such as @typescript-eslint/utils causes a new TypeScript type error: import { ESLintUtils } from '@typescript-eslint/utils'; Cannot find module '@typescript-eslint/utils' ...
resolve: { alias: { common: '../common' } }当启动app项目的时候报错:ERROR in [at-loader] ../common/utils/sign:1:1 TS2307: Cannot find module 'md5'.请问下配置的alias不在当前项目下面,node_modules怎么配置。如果我在common项目里面安装依赖,打包的时候webpack会重复引入common/node_modules中的...
alias: { "@": path.resolve(__dirname, "src") }, dedupe: ["vue-demi"] }, build: { minify: isProduction, manifest: true, rollupOptions: { input: "src/main.ts" } }, plugins: [ legacy({ targets: ["ie >= 11"], additionalLegacyPolyfills: ["regenerator-runtime/run...
When using CSS Module in Typescript + Webpack + Sass projects, you can use CSS modules normally, but vscode always prompts cannot find module'XXX.scss' or its corresponding type declarations. Solution Option 1 First of all, make sure that webpack and sass have been able to recognize the ...
报错:Cannot find module '@/views/home.vue' or its corresponding type declarations.(找不到模块“@/views/home.vue”或其相应的类型声明。) 原因:ts文件不识别以@符号引用的路径。注意,这里需要改2个地方,一个是tsconfig.json文件(用于处理编译器爆红问题),另一个是vite.config.ts文件(用于处理运行时爆红...
引用vue编辑器会报红,提示:TS2307: Cannot find module 'vue'. import Vue from 'vue'; webpack里的别名已经配置好, resolve: { alias: { 'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js', '@': path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src') }, extensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.vue', '.json'] }, 这是哪里...