It is always good to know about options, but I myself came quite late for the party and stayed simply because I did not find anything even remotely as good as JSQLParser. Although I found a few short comings it was not too difficult to dive into the code and fill in what I was in...
Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '<methodname>' defined in '<typename>' cannot be inferred from these arguments because more than one type is possible Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '<methodname>' defined in 'typename' cannot be infe...
let's just say I was almost immediately shot in a forest gunfight. I called the police on my cell phone and had a cigarette while I waited. A cop arrived but turned out to be useless, as this excerpt reveals:
Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '<methodname>' defined in '<typename>' cannot be inferred from these arguments Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '<methodname>' defined in '<typename>' cannot be inferred from these arguments because mor...
A lambda expression declared within a Sub or function cannot use any ByRef parameters of that Sub or function. For example, the following code will cause this error because the ByRef parameter n is used in the lambda expression.Kopyala
Could not find standard library: '<filename>' 'Currency' is no longer a supported type; use the 'Decimal' type instead 'Custom Event' must end with a matching 'End Event' 'Custom' modifier can only be used immediately before an 'Event' declaration 'Custom' modifier is not valid on ev...
Could not find standard library: '<filename>' 'Currency' is no longer a supported type; use the 'Decimal' type instead 'Custom Event' must end with a matching 'End Event' 'Custom' modifier can only be used immediately before an 'Event' declaration 'Custom' modifier is not valid on ...
A procedure or property is declared as MustOverride within a class that is defined in multiple partial declarations, but one of the partial definitions specifies NotInheritable for the class.When you divide the definition of a class among several partial declarations, the compiler treats the clas...
Could not find library '<libraryname>' Could not find standard library: '<filename>' 'Currency' is no longer a supported type; use the 'Decimal' type instead 'Custom Event' must end with a matching 'End Event' 'Custom' modifier can only be used immediately before an 'Event' decla...
Could not find standard library: '<filename>' 'Currency' is no longer a supported type; use the 'Decimal' type instead 'Custom Event' must end with a matching 'End Event' 'Custom' modifier can only be used immediately before an 'Event' declaration 'Custom' modifier is not valid on ...