Windows 10 stuck on Dell Logo screen after Sentinel One Agent Installation Reboot Windows 10 stuck on welcome screen Windows 10 Supplemental Fonts Windows 10 tablet keyboard doesn't appear on login screen Windows 10 Tablet Mode Registry options Windows 10 task scheduler changes domain users to local...
I've also tried removing and installing curl again. I purged all the files I created and the tools I used to compile using the old methods, copied and pasted all the commands (didn't type down any by myself), and this is what I get: Cloning into 'Transmission'... remote: Enumeratin...
INFO batch_action: Starting action: #<Vagrant::Machine:0x005619fcc179a8> up {:destroy_on_error=>true, :install_provider=>true, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil} INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider Libvirt (31f77f15-f4ce-467a-b825-7a17...
from D:/DKits/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/jekyll-4.2.1/lib/jekyll/commands/serve/servlet.rb:3:in`<top(required)>'fromD:/DKits/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/jekyll-4.2.1/lib/jekyll/commands/serve.rb:179:in`require_relative' from D:/DKits/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/jekyll...
The system cannot execute the specified program. The transaction resource manager on volume C: encountered an error during recovery. The resource manager will continue recovery. The user account does not have permission to run the task There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system There was a...
There was a issue opened on Azure DevOps Task repo regarding dotnetcore restore failing with Error: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\\2.1.1\tools\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language.dll' because it is being used...
{:destroy_on_error=>true, :install_provider=>false, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil} INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider LXC (new VM) DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-4e302da4b51fd90dd53d7f86d656be...
I have a script set up such that I can run it and everything works fine, however when my build process runs the exact same script (called in the same manner) running on the same user account I run into the error "The system cannot execute the specified program."...
Windows could not stop the network list service service on local computer. Error 1061: the service cannot accept control messages at this TimeWindows could not stop the network location awareness service on local computer. Error 1061: the service cannot accept control messages at this Time...
precondition: 3 machines, 3 sentinel, 3 redis instances (1 master, 2 slaves). 1 master, 2 slaves. checked the master and slave infos, they were all right. checked my sentinel info, the master info / slaves count also right. write data to...