Have Lutris 0.5.13, cannot add a local game using the "add locally installed game" I press on that option and nothing prompts me to add a game. If I drag a game that is a Windows game with an .exe it says "the rom could not be identified...
The debug log with-vvconfirms that Flatpak istryingto enable X11 access. I suspect this means that none of the records in the Xauth file generated by your ssh are in a form that Flatpak can understand. In an environment where your X connection is being forwarded, what doxauth -v listand...
Just as an idle thought, can you disable any overlay software that you have, in case it's a factor? Reply 0 + XP #7 November 2014 Options IxxaPlays ★★★ Novice I have tried with Origin both enabled and disabled, as well as completely exiting Steam and UPlay, without success...
Every game I tried can't use the steam overlay. The full message is: ERROR: ld.so: object 'gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. I'm running Steam in Debian wheezy amd64 with the nvidia driver 310.14-1.
But when I enable firejail the service output changes to: ❯ sudo systemctl status libvirtd.service ● libvirtd.service - Virtualization daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-20 10:59:10...
Steamworks/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 UELibSampleRate/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 UEOgg/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 UEOpenExr/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 UElibJPG/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 UElibPNG/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 VHACD/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 Vorbis/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 VorbisFile/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 Vulkan/ue4@adamrehn/4.23 WebRTC/ue4@adamreh...