vscode Cannot edit in read-only editor. 原因 使用了runcode插件 这个错误一般出现在使用命令行输入的时候出现。 但是output页面是只读的,只能输出,不能用来输入。 解决 解放方法是,将run code设置为在Teminal中运行: File -> Preferences -> Settings 找到run code in terminal设置,打上√...
VSCode Version: 1.47.2 OS Version: macOs Catalina 10.15.5 Similar to #83784 Steps to Reproduce: Debug a .js file After debugging is completed try to edit a file Sample debug config { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Launch c...
Type: General So I can't edit a running program and when I enabled "whether to run code in integrated terminal" I could no longer run the program as another issue arose "no such file or directory" I searched and found that this may be re...
I have the Copy Local property set to false and the Embed property set to True in my References, I was hoping I could embed the PowerPacks.dll in my build to avoid having to copy it with deployment, is there a solution?All replies (2)...
After I saw the bug still present in 16.5 I began evaluating VSCode in hopes that it could be a replacement. We pay a lot of money for Visual Studio, but it is riddled with bugs constantly. We are forced into using the preview versions out of hope that disruptive bugs could be ...
If not works, open the created file named applicationhost.config in Notepad. Searched the open file for the filename in your error message Amended the physicalPath value to point to the valid path of the project's config file. Saved the applicationhost.config file, and try again. ...
vscode 设置 tab 为四个空格 1,常规设置方法:code->;首选项-> 设置。 搜索 'tab size' 即将值改为「4」。(设置如果不起作用,往后看。如果起作用,往下面也没有什么坏处) 2 注意:将"Detect Indentation" 设置去掉,否则vscode会跟进文件内容自动推测tab 的空格数。就是说计算结果可能不是你设置的值。 (这个...
VScode 报错Cannot edit in read-only editor 报错: 因为vscode是跨平台的,所以在各个系统上是通用的。 方法一: 你可以吧false改为true。然后关闭vscode重新打开。 方法二: 之后在setting里面查询runlnTerminal 勾选就可以解决不能cin的问题了。 产生的原因 使用了runcode插件 这个错误一般出现在使用命令行输入的...
vscode Cannot edit in read-only editor. 原因 使用了runcode插件 这个错误一般出现在使用命令行输入的时候出现。 但是output页面是只读的,只能输出,不能用来输入。 解决 解放方法是,将run code设置为在Teminal中运行: File -> Preferences -> Settings
After I saw the bug still present in 16.5 I began evaluating VSCode in hopes that it could be a replacement. We pay a lot of money for Visual Studio, but it is riddled with bugs constantly. We are forced into using the preview versions out of hope that disruptive bugs could be ...