一种可能情况是controllers类名和models类名相同,修改类名即可 网上解答大多都是这个问题,但还存在另一种可能,就是controllers或models中存在子目录 当存在子目录时要注意命名空间,按下图编写
Cannot declare class "xxx" ... 问题 laravel 修改类文件名和类名后程序提示Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError: Cannot declare class XXX, because the name is already in use XXX 原因以及解决办法 修改了类文件名和类名后导致致 Composer 的自动加载器没有及时更新。此时进入项目根目录下运行com...
错误提示:Cannot declare class app\admin\controller\Manage because the name is already in use 一、造成原因是同一个网页中有名称同名了,就是控制器方法名称、模型名称、验证文件名称同名了 例子: 1.控制器 public function add(){ 2.模型中也有一样子名称函数 public function add(){ 二、引用的文件同名了...
Cannot declare class Event, because the name is already in use 1. 2. 详细错误信息如下图所示: [2020-06-28 17:32:06] local.ERROR: ErrorException: Cannot declare class Event, because the name is already in use in /alidata/www/yunliao_lumen_pre/vendor/laravel/lumen-framework/src/Application...
ThinkPHP5提示:Cannot declare class because the name is already in use,如图: 错误原因是在php中的同一个页面上,命名空间不同的两个类名一样就会混淆,在ThinkPHP5中一般是模型类和控制器类名称相同导致的,解决办法就是修改其中一个的名字,或者在use模型类时,使用as定义别名,示例代码如下: ...
Cannot declare class app\home\controller\Cases because the name is already in use 命名空间冲突了 use 模型类的时候使用as别名 同一个页面上 命名空间不同 类名一样就会混淆 参考PHP手册 1.在控制器中使用 as 别名; 2,在控制器中自定义模型
PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Composer\InstalledVersions, because the name is already in use in /app/vendor/composer/InstalledVersions.php on line 27 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /app/vendor/bin/phpstan:0 PHP 2. include() /app/vendor/bin/phpstan:117 ...
Over the last few days we have been seeing a PHP fatal error when WP Rocket is activated on some hosts. Fatal error: Cannot declare class ComposerAutoloaderInit92972d118ced8ff642fe76cb6658cf52, because the name is already in use in /wp-c...
ziyouren3 声望
Class '<classname>' must declare a 'Sub New' because the '<constructorname>' in its base class '' is marked obsolete: '<errormessage>' Class '<classname>' must either be declared 'MustInherit' or override the following inherited 'MustOverride' member(s): <membername(s)> Class '<classnam...