cannot create symbolic link 文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到“cannot create symbolic link”的错误时,这通常意味着在尝试创建符号链接时遇到了问题。以下是一些可能的原因和相应的解决方案,我将按照你提供的提示进行分点回答: 1. 确认用户操作系统是否支持符号链接 Linux/Unix/macOS:这些系统原生支持符号链接。 Windows:...
如果建立软连接时(软连接最后的英文需跟bin后面英文没对应 如:ln -s /root/node-v10.16.3-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/local/bin/npm) 恭喜你(你执行node -v跟npm -v都没毛病,但是执行npm install vue就报错) 此时你在重新执行软连接可能就会报(ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/local/bin/npm...
CP: cannot Create Symbolic Link '/mnt/linuxdev/focus/carifan/kernel/2007r1/bfin_425/linux-2.6.x/focus/include/ASM': operation not permitted [Solution process] I searched the internet and learned that there are two possible reasons for creating a symbolic link, 1. No permission The...
这几个文件(其实只有一个和我们需要的名称很相似,猜测作用应该是一样的,能不能软链接一下?肯定是不行的,非root用户没有权限在/usr/lib64/这种目录下面瞎搞。 $ ln-s to create symbolic link ‘’:Permissiondenied 不过...
解决非root用户安装软件中cannot create regular file `/usr/local/lib/libz.a': Permission denied 举例 解决办法 举例 比如我现在要安装一个软件叫zlib,安装过程如下: wget tar zxfzlib-1.2.11.tar.gz cdzlib-1.2.11 ...
ERROR: /home/martin/Desktop/addons-0.17.1/BUILD:1:10: failed to create symbolic link 'build_pip_pkg': file 'build_deps/' is not executable Target //:build_pip_pkg failed to build Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps. INFO: Elapsed ...
Initially, after I run my wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04, I saw " is not a symbolic link" in my dmesg log, after I deleted the orignal and files by running the following code in my powershell: cd C:\Windows\System32\lxss\lib ...
If you don't have a version number for the symbolic link (, the linker will still consider it. Therefore, it may be necessary to create it before re-linking. ln -s In case you are unable to relink the application, you have the option to ...
How to create a credentialcache object in powershell How to create a mount point with PowerShell How to create a new-pssession that runs a administrator How to create a symbolic link using PowerShell? How to create a user account by mirroring another account in PowerShell (Trying to learn ...
ln: failed to create symbolic link '': File exists [root@lab-aliyun lib64]# ln -sf [root@lab-aliyun lib64]# ll* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Feb 1 15:50 -> ...