针对你遇到的问题“cannot create redo log files because data files are corrupt or the database was not shut down cleanly after creating the data files”,我们可以从以下几个方面进行解决: 确认数据文件是否已损坏: 数据文件损坏可能是导致无法创建重做日志文件的原因之一。你需要检查数据文件的完整性。这通...
javsalgarchanged the titlebitnami/mysql 9.3.4 | Cannot create redo log files because data files are corrupt or the database was not shut down cleanly after creating the data files.Apr 14, 2023 github-actionsbotaddedin-progressand removedtriageTriage is neededlabelsApr 14, 2023 ...
[] debug: true architecture: standalone auth: rootPassword: "123abc" createDatabase: false database: "my_database" username: "" password: "" replicationUser: replicator replicationPassword: "" existingSecret: "" usePasswordFiles: false customPasswordFiles: {} initdbScripts: {} initdbScripts...
Cannot create redo log files because data files are corrupt or the database was not shut down cleanly after creating the data files. 因为docker-compose.yml文件里,定义了volume ,在volume里产生了一些数据,然后在下一次up的时候,导致把错误的文件挂载进容器内,产生上面的错误。最后删除mysql的volume ,重新...
Hi people I want to create separate projects, where each project is fully isolated from the others. Meaning that each project will get a local network and volume for services like mysql and/or redis. Since I’m not too gr…
create user waits on space on redo logs (T3) T3. log_writer waits on the consumer to advance lsn (T1) How to repeat: T1. DO innodb_redo_log_consumer_register(); -- run load/sysbench until the redo log is full. Error log will have: 2023-10-03T16:21:43.152501Z 0 [Warning] [...
Oracle Database error codeORA-01537indicates that a specific operation has failed due to an issue with the database's archived redo log files. The full error message typically reads: ORA-01537:cannot extend database file (filename) for (number) more blocks ...
How to create a global object of a ref class type? How to create a log file to write logs and timestamp using C++ How to create the manifest file and embed in application to detect Windows 10 & 2016 server version how to create/open/save a file as UTF-8 encoding in c++ using ofstr...
ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log'I:\ORACLE\ORADATA\devel\REDO01A.LOG'ORA-27040: skgfrcre: create error, unable to create file OSD-04002: unable to open file O/S-Error: (OS3) The system cannot find the path specified. ...
Cannot create a row of size 8069 which is greater than the allowable maximum row size of 8060. Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server Error Number: 7302 Cannot drop secondary log file cannot drop the view 'XXX' because it does not exist or yo...