启动报错“could not create the java virtual machine”,并不是java虚拟机出了问题,需要修改下的spoon.bat里内存配置if "%PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS%"=="" set PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms2058m" "-Xmx1024m" "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"改为if "%PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS%"=="" set PENTAHO_DI_JAV...
自行配置 参考: https://www.cnblogs.com/shinge/p/5500002.html 3. 如果启动报错“could not create the java virtual machine”,并不是java虚拟机出了问题,需要修改下的spoon.bat里内存配置 if "%PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS%"=="" set PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms2058m" "-Xmx1024m" "-XX:MaxPermS...
全部设置完成后再在bin里直接运行studio批处理如果没有弹出错误,就可以双击.exe运行了 可能出现其他的问题 问题二: 再次运行 studio.bat 报错 Unrecognized VM option'+UseCodeCacheFlushing'Could not create the Java virtual machine 具体解决:用文本工具打开 android-studio\bin目录下的studio.exe.vmoptions,删除 -...
$ pwd /Users/jah/Downloads/rocketmq-all-4.7.1-bin-release $ nohup bin/mqnamesrv & [1] 9273 appending output to nohup.out [1] + 9273 exit 1 nohup bin/mqnamesrv $ cat nohup.out Unrecognized VM option 'UseConcMarkSweepGC' Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal...
没有安装java虚拟机,下个jdk安装一下就可以了,其实 只要jre就可以了!!java运行环境
public class VMCannotBeModifiedException extends UnsupportedOperationException 読取り専用のVMに変更を加えた場合、操作が無効であることを示すためにスローされます。 VirtualMachine.canBeModified()を参照してください。 導入されたバージョン: 1.5 関連項目: 直列化された形式コ...
issue with the CreateProcessAsUser Iterate over member variables for a class / strucuture and produce textural version of member fields details Iterating enum class values possible? java to c converter JSON Example Issue with C++ REST SDK Keep trailing zeroes with Math::Round Keeping console w...
Sorry, my English is not very good. The following is the content translated by Google. I am using the environment: flutter 2.10.5, xcode15; currently, when encountering xcode, I can only run a virtual machine, and cannot perform real mac...
how to upload file into folder inside virtual directory How to upload file to another project in the same solution in asp.net mvc How to upload image in edit and create view? (ASP.Net MVC) How to upload/download Byte array into VarBinary in SQL server from MVC? How to use no-break ...
· You have a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is running on the client computer.In this scenario, when the client computer uses Internet Explorer to access a Web site that contains Java programs, the ISA Server or the Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business...