打开Visual Studio .net,创建一个新的应用程序的时候,有时会出现下面的错误提示: 中文信息:Automation 服务器不能创建对象 英文信息:Automation server can't create object 解决方法: 运行: Regsvr32 scrrun.dll 即可。
createObject(Excel.application) Automation server cannot create object Hi, When I used createObject(Excel.application) to create ActiveX object using javascript, it ran fine when it executed locally. However, I got 'automation server cannot create object' error when it ran on server....
I am trying to use actxserver in matlab for the first time, but have problems with the very first line of code (according to http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/actxserver.html, h = actxserver('progid') creates a local OLE Automation server, where <tt>progid</tt> is the ...
ActiveX component can't create object Error message 2 Error: 0x800401e3 "Operation unavailable" Cause Although the Office application is running, it might not be registered in the Running Object Table (ROT). A running instance of an Office application must be reg...
ActiveX component can't create object Error message 2 Error: 0x800401e3 "Operation unavailable" Cause Although the Office application is running, it might not be registered in the Running Object Table (ROT). A running instance of an Office application must be registered in the ROT befo...
Unable to create a .NET Runtime interface: <error> Unable to create Assembly Linker object: <error message> Unable to create strong-named assembly from key file '<filename>': <error> Unable to create temp file in path '<filename>': <error message> Unable to create XML documentation file...
We have gathered enough information to configure Azure AD Sync and will now create a default configuration. Failed even after 5 retries. Action: PingProvisioningServiceEndPoint, Exception: Unable to communicate with the Windows Azure Active Directory service. Tracking ID: 01601250-7951-469c-8973-34e...
Can't create necessary temporary file Can't open '<filename>' for writing Class '<classname>' cannot be found Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface 'Class' statement must end with a matching 'End Class' Clipboard format is not valid Constant expression not ...
I'm trying to install Zowe CLI on WSL Ubuntu and running to the issue with creating profile. Here is an example of command and error (same result in Powershell and in bash terminal in VS Code): zowe profiles create zosmf-profile alexei1 ...
I used both npx create-strapi-app@experimental and npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project --quickstart, still the issue persists: Error while installing dependencies: npm WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead. npm WARN config optional Use `--omit=optional` to exclude optional depen...