此错误信息提示为"error C2664: 'void foo(char *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const char [5]' to 'char *'".它表示程序试图将一个常量字符数组类型转换为指针类型时遇到了问题。问题出现的上下文包括CMakeLists.txt和main.cpp文件,以及在Windows 11系统下的PowerShell环境。当执行CMake...
String(const String&rs){ len=rs.getlen();//***在这里报错 } 因为rs是个const对象,所以为了避免该对象被改变,要求getlen函数也必须是常成员函数。修改下getlen函数的定义即可:int getlen()const {return len;}//这样就行了 另外要包含个头文件#include<cstring> ...
floatGetZ()const{return_z;} 我想到的一种办法是可以直接在内部将const修饰符去掉,具体如下: out<<(const_cast<Point3d*>(this))->GetX()<<""<<(const_cast<Point3d*>(this))->GetY()<<""<<(const_cast<Point3d*>(this))->GetZ()<<std::endl; 参考文献: 1.Error C2662, cannot convert‘t...
在C++当中,我们在函数参数后面加上const,如上面代码fun_2()那样,则将整个成员变成常量成员,即将*this, 转换成const *this.
2>D:\work\modern_cmake_work\ModernCMake\codes\moderncpp\char\char01\main.cpp(16,19): error C2664: 'void foo(char *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const char [5]' to 'char *' 2>D:\work\modern_cmake_work\ModernCMake\codes\moderncpp\char\char01\main.cpp(16,13): message ...
在编程中,你可能会遇到一个错误信息:“cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const int' to 'long []'”。这个错误提示你定义的函数中第一个参数类型为long数组,但在调用该函数时传递的却是const int类型。在C++或类似的编程语言中,函数参数的类型需要严格匹配。long数组和const int之间存在类型不匹配...
你定义的函数中第一个参数类型为long [],但是你调用时为const int型。
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char [12]' to 'LPCWSTR' Where LPCWSTR maps to a wchar_t pointer, regardless of your build configuration. This problem can be resolved primarily by using solution #2, but in some cases also #1. A lot of the Microsoft provided libraries, such as the...
how convert LPCTSTR to string? How could i Mutiple Sounds with PlaySound How do I change Serial port RxFIFO buffer size from a c++ application? How do I get rid of this error? Error: no instance of overloaded function "getline" matches the argument list How do I make two classes th...
A conversion operator is declared with the same type for both the parameter and the return.It is not meaningful to convert from any type to itself.Error ID: BC33024To correct this errorChange the type of either the parameter or the return value. One of them must be of the type of the...