systemctl status elasticsearch 如果服务未运行,你可以使用以下命令启动服务: bash systemctl start elasticsearch 确认Elasticsearch集群的配置信息: 确认你的应用程序或客户端是否正确配置了Elasticsearch集群的主机名和端口号。通常这些信息在Elasticsearch的配置文件(如elasticsearch.yml)中设置,或者在客户端的连接代码中...
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2020-07-14T12:37:18Z","tags":["status","plugin:cross_cluster_replication@7.4.2","info"],"pid":6,"state":"green","message":"Status changed from yellow to green - Ready","prevState":"yellow","prevMsg":"Waiting for Elasticsearch"} {"type":"log","...
Tried to connect to the elasticsearch within the cluster. I'm running an elasticsearch called 'foo' in the 'bar' namespace, and so my cluster should be accessible under When I connect to this from an Go app, using this lib, I receive an ...
我们在配置ElasticSearch服务的时候,有时候需要设置账户密码权限,有可能会出现类似“Cluster state has not been recovered yet, cannot write to the [null] index”的错误信息,如下图所示: 出现该错误的主要原因是没有设置ElasticSearch的主节点配置,我们只需要在elasticsearch.yml配置文件中设置单节点或者集群节点的主...
Chart version: 7.4.0 Kubernetes version: 1.14.0 Kubernetes provider: on-premise Helm Version: 2.X Describe the bug: As a developper, I want to run a simple elasticsearch cluster, with a single node. Steps to reproduce: As indicated here ...
TheElasticsearch Operatorpod goes toCrashloopbackoffwhile upgrading the cluster. TheElasticsearch Operatorpod shows the below error: Raw # oc logs elasticsearch-operator-xxxx {"component":"elasticsearch- operator","go_arch":"amd64","go_os":"linux","go_version":"go1.15.5","level":"0","mess...
unable to load OpenShift configuration: unable to retrieve authentication information for tokens: User "system:serviceaccount:logging:aggregated-logging-elasticsearch" cannot create at the cluster scope: User "system:serviceaccount:logging:aggregated-logging-elasticsearch" can...
The CPU usage of Elasticsearch is high, an error message "Elasticsearch Unreachable" is displayed on Logstash, and logs cannot be written to Elasticsearch.The customer in
elasticsearch.yml 配置# ES 默认会加载位于$ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.yml的配置文件。 备注:任何能够通过配置文件设置的内容,都可以通过命令行使用-E的语法进行指定,例如: Copy ./bin/elasticsearch -d ...
I can connect to it from other application or via port-forward as long as I import the ca.crt from our cluster internal CA (that root cert is also contained in the secret passed to the elasticsearch instance). Last but not least I believe the spec.elasticsearch.auth.secret is defined ...