当你遇到“cannot connect to redis-server”的问题时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查Redis服务器是否正在运行: 首先,你需要确认Redis服务器是否已启动。你可以使用如下命令来检查Redis服务的状态(以Linux系统为例): bash sudo systemctl status redis 如果Redis服务未运行,你可以使用以下命令启动它: bash su...
I have this bit of code: console.log(`Creating Redis client`); const redisClient = createClient({ url: process.env.REDIS_URL, socket: { tls: false, // ==> also tried 'true', but same issue rejectUnauthorized: false, requestCert: false, }...
Redis version: 3.0.504 Node Redis: 2.8.0 Platform: NodeJS v10.15.2 on WSL 2(Ubuntu 19.10 on Windows 10 x86_64 / 4.19.43-microsoft-standard) Redis on Windows 10 (Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18936.1000]) Description: If I connect to the redis server on Windows 10 from node redis on...
大数据学习之路109-can't connect to redis-server无法连接问题,61#bind127.0.0.180protected-modeno修改配置文件
[2022-09-13 00:52:33,810: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to redis:// Authentication required.. Trying againin2.00 seconds... (1/100) 连接不上redis的原因是,redis设置了密码,而连接时没有携带密码连接。
没反应应该是你启动服务端的时候没有带上配置文件。你可以./redis-server redis.conf 你配置好了,但要重新启动redis,如果还是报一样的错误,很可能是没有启动到配置文件,所以需要真正的和配置文件启动需要:在redis.conf文件的当前目录下 如果还是所某个端口已在使用,那么可能是有 后台程序在占用该...
Could not connect to Redis at IP:PORT,Cannot assign requested address. 这是因为客户端频繁的连服务器,数据量较大的时候,由于每次连接都在很短的时间内结束,导致很多的TIME_WAIT,以至于用光了可用的端口号,所以新的连接没办法绑定端口,即“Cannot assign requestedaddress”。
Cannot connect to rediss:<localhost> Error 111: Connected to <localhost>. Connection Refused... Resolution The error is due to the redis server not being started or connected to properly. Run the following command to check the status of the redis server: sudo service redis-server status If...
I can sudo apt-get install redis-server with no errors. I can start redis-server either with redis-server --daemonize yes or redis-server &, but when I run redis-cli I get Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused.