MySQL checks pass without SSL but fail with SSL configured on haproxy and required on MySQL servers. Manual MySQL client and openssl s_client calls pass with SSL. This is a major flaw as it considerably lowers the cyber-security on all MySQL servers by forcing them to accept non SSL traffi...
(String server : servers) { URL serverUrl = new URL(server); InetAddress eurekaServerAddress = InetAddress.getByName(serverUrl.getHost()); boolean matches = subnet.getInfo().isInRange(eurekaServerAddress.getHostAddress());"Testing server {} ({}): {}", server, eurekaServer...
3. Boot into TWRP Recovery and connect your Phone to PC. 4. Open CMD in your PC. 5. Type/Enter these commands: adb root (starts adb with root permissions) adb devices (checks if your Phone is connected) adb push <notification location/path on PC> system_ext/media/audio/notification/ ...
It seems Google update the CA's on the CloudPrint servers, rendering some printers (mine) unable to login to register their availability to print. The required certificates were not installed. Word on the street is that the manufacturer has to update the firmware & include the newer ...
root@deis-registry-proxy-jzf3h:/# telnet localhost 5555 Trying ::1... Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused root@deis-registry-proxy-jzf3h:/# netstat -lntpu Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Ad...
I don't have a physical box to test on, but I just created a fresh Ubuntu Xenial droplet on DigitalOcean, but I'm not able to reproduce, using these steps; apt-get update apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://