According, key here is query parameterhost, which I don't think bazarr allows to configure `postgresql: database: bazarr port: 5432
It is possible to connect the remote databank locally as localhost:27500 without docker and docker-compose. I also have tested with a locally generated PostgreSQL databank, and this can be connected via localhost on port 5432 (localhost:5432) inside docker-compose. ...
PostgreSQL 5432 Snowflake 443 SQLite None Sybase ASE 5000 Vertica 5433 Real port numbers might be different on your system. Verify that you use a correct port number with your database administrator, server settings, or hosting provider.
nextcloud_1 | Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in driver: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not connect to server: No route to host nextcloud_1 | Is the server running on host “db” ( and accepting nextcloud_1 | TCP/IP connections on port 5432? in /var...
michael-mummas-mac-pro:~ xxxxxxx$ /Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/scripts/; exit Server [localhost]: Database [postgres]: Port [5432]: Username [postgres]: psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost" and accepting ...
# # PostgreSql 数据库配置(注意:一定要创建的schema与username相同,否则将找不到数据表字典信息) # type: postgresql # driver: org.postgresql.Driver # url: jdbc:postgresql:// # username: jeesite # password: jeesite
- "54320:5432" volumes: - "db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data" redis: container_name: redis # command: ["redis-server", "--bind", "redis", "--port", "6379"] image: redis:alpine # networks: # - web sysctls: # fixes warning when using redis with th...
PostgreSQL 5432 Snowflake 443 SQLite None Sybase ASE 5000 Vertica 5433 Real port numbers might be different on your system. Verify that you use a correct port number with your database administrator, server settings, or hosting provider.
using Npgsql; public class Program { public static async Task Main(string[] args) { var connectionString = "User ID=postgres;Password=post$gres;Host=dockerserver;Port=5432;Database=postgres;"; await using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString); await connection.OpenAsync(); } ...
If we modify the script to expose the PostgreSQL port, we can connect usinglocalhost:5432in IDEA. However,postgres.test.orb.local:5432still does not work: version:"3"services:postgres:image:postgres:14.9-bullseyerestart:on-failureports: