docker compose exec -T elasticsearch sh -c 'dnf install -y iputils && ping -c 1 host.docker.internal' When you say "able to access port 5432 in docker-compose", what do you mean exactly? Is Postgres running in a container as well?
From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine? 2522 How to copy files from host to Docker container? 2350 How to copy Docker images from one host to another without using a repository 2333 How do I get into a Docker container's shell? 2221 How...
I also had to stop my postgres13 instance that was running as Prisma would try to connect to that. Current docker-compose: #Use root/example user/password credentialsversion:'3.1'services:postgres:image:postgresrestart:alwayshostname:postgrescontainer_name:postgresenvironment:POSTGRES_DB:examplePOSTGRES...
I am trying to host nextcloud using docker but I have encountered issues with the initial setup already. Using the provided docker-compose file (without the volumes and actual env values) from the nextcloud GitHub page fails to connect to DB using Postgres and MariaDB as well. docker-compose....
May it be that this interface ( docker0 : ) is not reachable if the container is not in the same subnet? None of your examples added your container to that subnet. It could be your firewall on the host or something ...
I've followed the instructions ( to start a Gitlab CE container. But it seems that Gitlab does not start the embedded PostgreSQL service...
docker_postgres_1 is up-to-date Starting docker_backend_1 Starting docker_frontend_1 ERROR: for frontend Cannot start service frontend: oci runtime error: not a directory ERROR: for backend Cannot start service backend: oci runtime error: not a directory ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing...
Cannot Connect to the database Help me! setup 1 362 March 30, 2023 Can't connect to Postgres DB inside another docker container Help me! 20 8969 August 3, 2020 Stuck on "Waiting for your backend to run..." while connecting to mySQL DB Help me! setup 3 493 June 7, 202...
.gitlab-ci.ymlChecking out e523e0c7 as master...ln: failed to create symbolic link '/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/name=systemd': Operation not permittedTimed out trying to connect to internal docker host.$ docker infoCannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host...
Anyways, I have freshly started a Docker container from the dpage/pgadmin4 using the simple startup script. While I can reach the login page, when trying to sign in with the credentials (they are the same as in the cmd), nothing happens. The page just refreshes with no errors ...