@文心快码cannot connect to a redis sentinel: 文心快码 针对你提出的“cannot connect to a redis sentinel”问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素,帮助你诊断并解决连接问题: 检查Redis Sentinel服务是否正在运行: 使用命令行工具检查Redis Sentinel服务的状态。例如,如果你知道Sentinel的运行节点和端口,可以尝试...
异常中StandaloneConnectionProvider发现时单机的连接怀疑应用jar的配置问题 打开果然里面配置了单机redis,而apollo上配置的时sentinel模式,随后删除本地 配置重新打包发布redis连接正常。
While trying to connect to Redis using Sentinel and having the database property set to any number greater than 0, the applicaiton crashes. (Spring Boot 2.5.1, Spring Data Redis 2.5.1, Jedis 3.6.0) It seems like the new Jedis(hap.getHost(), hap.getPort(), sentinelConnectionTimeout, ...
ZhangJing1994changed the titlespring-data-redis 无法使用客户端jedis连接到 5.0.3版本的sentinel集群Sep 8, 2021 mp911declosed this ascompletedSep 8, 2021 mp911deaddedstatus: invalidAn issue that we don't feel is validand removedstatus: waiting-for-triageAn issue we've not yet triagedlabelsSep ...
The other day, the redis sentinel node(VM) became unable to return a response due to a hypervisor failure, and a timeout error began to occur. I expected lettuce to do the failover. However, failover had failed. Finally, when the VM of the redis sentinel node shut down completely, fai...
Dmitriy opened DATAREDIS-1200 and commented Hi team, I have Spring Boot application using Redis cache. My application.yml contains: spring: redis: sentinel: master: mymaster nodes: mynode-0:26379, mynode-1:26379, mynode-2:26379 password:...
Sentinel server did not response, seems that writting log blocked the client request.#1873 Open geoffbp-xxmentioned this issueOct 17, 2014 redis-server unresponsive#2077 Closed antirezadded a commit that referenced this issueFeb 11, 2015