docker-compose.yml web:image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest'restart: alwayshostname: ''environment:GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: |external_url ''# Add any other gitlab.rb configuration here, each on its own lineports:- '80:80'- '443:443'- '23:22'volumes:- '/git...
Problem description I have problem connecting a remote PostgreSQL databank from AWS RDS using JDBC plugin in docker-compose and logstash.conf on port 27500. It is worth mentioning that the databank is configured via SSH tunneling as remo...
I have Django application running on dokku and keep getting an rq import error message once I link the postgresql database to the dokku app. I do not understand why I am getting this error now, as I have documented the steps I took to deploy this app in the past, and I followed them...
在docker守护进程没有开机自启的情况下 直接运行docker服务会提示服务不存在 此时需要手动启动docker服务 systemctl start docker.service
启动docker docker安装后出现Cannot connect to the Docker daemon You need to add user into docker group. by 'sudo gpasswd -a xxxx docker' (xxx is your
I have VMware Workstation Pro 17.0.1 running on Windows 10 Pro, and I want to use containers (I have already used them for Apache [httpd] and PostgreSQL working normally.). VMware uses vctl, so most commands are the same as those used in docker. ...
+ sudo -u postgres createuser -s nominatim createuser: error: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? + sudo -u pos...
docker部署mysql 实现远程连接 11Mysql远程连接报错:authenticationplugincaching_sha2mysql8.0 默认使用caching_sha2_password身份验证机制 —— 从原来的mysql_native_password更改为caching_sha2_password。 从 5.7 升级 8.0 版本的不会改变现有用户的身份验证方法,但新用户会 ...
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://local,执行shell命令unsetDOCKER_HOSTunsetDOCKER_TLS_VERIFYunsetDOCKER_TLS_PATHdockerps
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '47.XXX.XXX.XX' (10060) 阿里云服务器遇上的坑,在服务器上安装docker并且部署了MySQL,远程访问不上,确认过给予root了%权限、宿主机和docker端口口也没问题。解决: 后来经查询,原来还要在阿里云服务器控制台中添加安全规则。