Cannot compile the file‘C:\..\ no compile tool is associated with the file extension. 这句话的意思是讲不能编译此文件,无法通过扩展名来调用对应的编译器来对其编译
当我们使用VC++6.0编译项目时,编译失败,对话框提示: cannot compile the file***:no compile tool is associated with the file extension. 解决: 关闭当前文档,或者打开一个新的CPP文件即可,注意:有时候重新打开一个点h文件也不行,最好是CPP文件。
vc6.0程序,点击编译时提示对话框,内容为: Cannot complile the file 'D:\souce-code\vc-workspace\对话框\MainFrm.h'; no compile tool is associated with the file extension. 解决方式: 事实上这个问题非常easy,就是当前你选择的源程序是一个非.cpp 文件。
vc6.0程序,点击编译时提示对话框,内容为: Cannot complile the file 'D:\souce-code\vc-workspace\对话框\MainFrm.h'; no compile tool is associated with the file extension. 解决方式: 事实上这个问题非常easy,就是当前你选择的源程序是一个非.cpp 文件。
GPU:3080,tensorrt:,cuda:11.3 I used tensorrt to compile the official yolov8n.onnx model, but the result was not successful. I also tried tensorrt8.6 and yolov5n.onnx, but both failed to compile successfully. I would appreciate it ...
Hello All, I am trying to compile a file in the Intel Fortran Windows compiler. This file calls multiple subroutines which exist as pre-compiled
New Here , /t5/robohelp-discussions/cannot-open-the-file-mk-msitstore/m-p/2104898#M51573 Oct 08, 2009 Oct 08, 2009 Copy link to clipboard Copied In Response To Peter Grainge I also compile my Help projects using the .chm format. I have a handful of users at one site that are...
Hey! so i been trying to install yolov5-obb as mentioned in step e in the install.md file in the docs folders. however, it doesnt work i installed CUDA toolkit 11.7 with cuDNN v8.9.4 and i installed pyTorch as explained in the pystorch s...