Error:Cannot change dependencies of configuration ':app:_debugAnnotationProcessor' after it has been 这句话的意思是在 : 错误:在已解析之后,不能更改配置的依赖项:App:除错代码处理器。也就是由于你对gradle进行了更所造成的,一般就是你新加入的grade中的依赖所造成的,这是根本的 原因。 接下来你就应该看...
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration ':spring-orm-hibernate4:runtimeMer ge' after it has been resolved. * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. 1、找到对应的build.gradle文件,我的是D:\Java\github\...
Starting some 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT version, sonarcube task started to fail for the perl plugin: * What went wrong: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':lang.embedded:verifyPluginConfiguration'. > Could not create task ':lang.embedde...
The plugin spits a lot of warnings while running its licenseDebugReport task: Task :ui:licenseDebugReport Cannot resolve configuration androidTestAnnotationProcessor org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException: Cannot change usage of depende...
MessageId: DTS_E_CANNOTCHANGEPROTECTIONLEVELSCM MessageText: Cannot change the protection level of a project connection manager. It inherits from the project
option(WERROR "Enable -Werror compiler option" OFF) else () option(WERROR "Enable -Werror compiler option" ON) endif () if (WERROR) add_warning(error) endif () # Make this extra-checks for correct library dependencies. if (OS_LINUX AND NOT SANITIZE) set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "...
How to change the font size of editbox control on runtime (MFC)? How to change the project name How to check if a dll file exists in a system how to check if a dll was built in a release or debug configuration? how to check if a wchar_t* is blank? How to Check Permission for...
Complete Wipe of Server Component Services: Catalog Error when Opening COM+ Applications computer account and user account expiration when not connected to network Computer name mixed case Computer Name pings to old IP Computer names change automatically Computers in domain time source: Free-running ...
Please try with antivirus/firewall disabled or make sure thatIDE configuration/caches directoriesIDE executable, IDE installation home are excluded from the scan. Ok thanks, I see. I'll have a look at that. Also tried to install latest version of IntelliJ and ...