当你遇到 Git 报错“cannot be resolved to branch”时,这通常意味着 Git 无法识别你指定的远程分支名。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤,我会按照你提供的提示进行回答,并包含相关代码片段(如果适用): 1. 确认本地git仓库与远程仓库的连接状态 首先,确保你的本地仓库已经配置了远程仓库。你可以使用以下命令来查看远程...
fatal: V1.0 cannot be resolved to branch. 情况一:大小写等问题(上面是大写的V,下面是小写的v) 情况二:待续。。。
To avoid errors while pushing branches to the repository, it is recommended to first check the branch names. Once you have identified the correct branch name, push it to the repository. Alternatively, if you have already pushed a branch with a certain name and created another branch with a s...
I have created a branch likefeature-ABC/branch1before and pushed it. Then I create a branchfeature-abc/branch2(notice the lower-case ABC), and try to push it to remote usinggit push --set-upstream origin feature-abc/branch2and get the 'cannot be resolved to branch' error. So...
fatal: V1.0 cannot be resolved to branch. 情况一:大小写等问题(上面是大写的V,下面是小写的v) 情况二:待续。。。 本文转自毒逆天博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5045696.html,如需转载请自行联系原作者
Git异常:fatal: V1.0 cannot be resolved to branch. GitHub实战系列汇总:http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5038719.html ——— 很多人问,明明有git gui 和 github可以直接图形化操作的吗?全部指令干啥??? 呃(⊙o⊙)…呃(⊙o⊙)… ===> 装逼...
git checkout -b 本地分支名 远程分支名 当出现上述情况时,就会出现报错:fatal:‘XXX' is not a commit and a branch ‘XXX' cannot be created from it 二、问题原因 远程新建的分支没有更新到本地。实际上,git仓库分为本地仓库和远程仓库,我们用checkout命令是从本地仓库中找要检出的分支的。本地仓库只...
报错:fatal: 'origin/dev_v2.8.4_v10.74.1' is not a commit and a branch 'dev_v2.8.4_v10.74.1' cannot be created from it 主要原因 远程新建的分支没有更新到本地。实际上,git仓库分为本地仓库和远程仓库,我们用checkout命令是从本地仓库中找要检出的分支的。本地仓库只有在进行网络请求时才会跟...
error: Cannot delete branch 'dev' checked out at 'D:/Git/git-learning-course' 1. 2. 二、解决方案 执行 git branch 1. 命令, 查看当前分支信息 , 如下 : 当前的分支是 dev ; 如果要删除 dev 分支 , 不能在 dev 分支下删除分支本身 , 需要切换到 master 分支上 , 然后再删除 dev 分支 ; ...
I was following thistutorial. So far I've not run into any problems, except I get this error when I try to push: Fatal: master cannot be resolved to branch Things I've done correctly: I am signed in I have specified my name and email usinggit config -global... *blah blah* ...