If so, I can say, this account was never disabled in Gitlab, and having this behaviour (Block automatically, permanently, irrevocably) is awful. Warren Postmachanged title fromThis user cannot be unlocked manually from gitlab.toThis user cannot be unlocked manually from gitlabis an unhelpful m...
error ERROR: for gitlab Cannot create container for service gitlab: mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay/d70e968cfc8349b4e29c34dbf7fb8ab662b9ba7d66f6fc661ee6744e07868097-init/merged/dev/shm: invalid argument ERROR: for gitlab Cannot create container for service gitlab: mkdir /var/lib/docker/...
* @me # CODEOWNERS prevent renovate automerge since it will automatically ask for review # See documentation for more details: https://docs.renovatebot.com/automerge-configuration/ # Solution: make files used by renovate owned by everyone **/*/go.mod **/*/package.json **/*/yarn.lock ...
Problem to solve Hello everyone. I have to let user know that his MR is not supposed to be merged for some specific reason, and do that automatically via a cron job in k8s - so i have to use gitlab API. Since there are no way to lock MRs via API (there is another request from ...
So when I use FetchContent to download single-header files it failed because archive_read_open_file() doesn't recognize the archive format. Here is a MWE:
Steps: Enable Show Animation Shortcuts from Settings dialog can.ex2, Apply Shrink, Apply Click on the Create a...
Slack thread where this problem was first reported: https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/CF4NTJQBE/p1548418185254200 In my case, a difference between the two failed MRs and the successful one is that I created the failed ones against an 11-5-stable branch, whereas I created the successful one...
This message was generated automatically. You're welcome to improve it. 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added automation:self-triage-encouraged label 1 year ago 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 @gitlab-bot · 1 year ago Maintainer Setting label(s) Category:Team Planning based on groupproject management. 🤖 Git...
export MERGED_BINARY_TYPE\=none export MERGE_LINKED_LIBRARIES\=NO export METAL_LIBRARY_FILE_BASE\=default export METAL_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIR\=/Users/xxxx/gitlab/app.xxxx.us/xxxx_app/ios/DerivedData/Runner/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Runner.app ...
ts=gAAAAABmrEGD1Ya2KP8BvDxNyHNBMS-yoZ8WNCauHXcFIrTTBmdCyokMsnLpBHyMchM4JiwClE9Mbkh2uufTUpxjIa0qE4OVZw%3D%3D&use_mirror=cyfuture&r=; you should be redirected automatically. Btw, procps has moved to gitlab at https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps/-/releases but only 3.3.16 ...