WD My Cloud is one of the best cloud storage services out there, and since the service has so many users, there have been countless Windows 10 users complaining of not being able to access their WD My Cloud accounts ever since their upgrade to Windows 10. The problem has become so severe...
步骤1.检查My Cloud设备是否存在潜在的SMB 2.0问题。右键单击左下角Windows图标,选择“Windows powershell(管理员)”运行,然后输入“Get-SmbConnection”并回车。稍后,您将看到已连接设备及其SMB版本的列表,但WD My Cloud未在Windows文件资源管理器中列出。 步骤2.在搜索框输入“命令提示符”选择以管理员身份运行并键...
I have been having trouble gaining access to my WD My Cloud via my computers file explorer. I used to be able to access my files by selecting the drop-down menu on the network tab in the file explorer; however, recently when I click the drop-down indicator it simply disappears and I ...
今天小编就来分析一下可能的原因,并提供针对性的解决建议。 1、更换浏览器。部分浏览器的兼容性可能不太好,不能访问部分网站,建议大家换一个浏览器试试。推荐 chrome 浏览器,夸克浏览器等。 2、服务器维护。服务器维护期间大家是没有办法正常访问 mycloud 官网的,大家只能耐心等待官方技术人员的修复,换一个时间段...
I can’t access my iCloud account why can’t access my iCloud account and how can I access it again 2 years ago 290 1 I can’t open my iCloud account I can’t open my iCloud account [Image Edited by Moderator to Remove Personal Information] 3 years ago 301 1 Why can’t...
The server can be accessed from, but cannot access the Internet.Check the following possible causes.FirewallDisable firewall rules for the ECS and check if Internet conne
I cannot access the NAS on the network but I can access it through its web interface. Windows 10 Pro x64 21H2 19044.2130 NAS is Synology DS218j Here's what I tried: -- Using Add Network Location Wizard > Choose custom network location > entered \\\
What do I do if the error message that indicates lack of Terminal Server User Access permissions appears when I connect to a Windows instance by using Remote Desktop? If the issue is caused by the installed Terminal Server role, connect to the instance, click Server Manager...
For offline files access is denied error, there are some possible reasons, such as,lack of permission,file encryption, etc. Don’t worry about it and fix it with given solutions in the following. Method 1: Windows Folder Redirection Access Denied ...
The device was not deleted, and my messages were visible in the cloud, but not even 1 photo was in my gallery. I reached customer service regarding the issue. Both in Türkiye and globally. In no way did they give me proof of what happened to my data. They just made the mundane ...